Uplifting Videos
For all of you volunteering your time and effort into making people feel better so they can live better:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgF1Enrgo2g
So, there is a Youtubernamed Markiplier whom plays games for us to enjoy. There's one that everyone should see.
Oh my god I love Markiplier! He is so awesome and so truly inspirational. He's in my opinion the best YouTuber ever!😊☺️👍🏻
@AutumnEagle I love Mark. He's honestly one of my favourite YouTubers
More uplifting videos that focus on giving back to your community and helping those in need.
"The European Refugee Crisis and Syria Explained"
"Is Justice Worth It? (Typography)"
Hope you all like them and will hopefully want to do even more for your local and global community now!