Books on My Radar – Need Your Thoughts!
I absolutely have to post this again since it didn't get any attention in the section Reading & Writing.
📚 Books I Want (for now):
• Vicious - Victoria E. Schwab (Fantasy/Paranormal)
• Mistborn: The Final Empire - Brandon Sanderson (High Fantasy)
• Battle Royale - Koushun Takami (Horror/Dystopia)
• Parable of the Sower - Octavia E. Butler (Sci-Fi/Dystopia)
• Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said - Philip K. D. (Sci-Fi/Dystopia)
• In the Woods - Tana French (Mystery/Detective)
(I asked for these for Christmas, fingers crossed I get them!)
📖 Recommended Ones:
• The Only Good Indians(Horror)???
• Piranesi - Susanna Clarke (Magical Realism/Mythology) ???
• I Who Have Never Known Men - Jacqueline Harpman (Literary Fiction/Dystopia)
• Scythe (Dystopia/Sci-Fi) ???
• Song of Achilles (Mythology) ???
• Jade City (Urban Fantasy) ??? (rec. by Emily Fox)
• All the Sinners Bleed - S.A. Cosby (Thriller/Mystery) (rec. by Pretty in Pupercuts)
• Monstrilio - Gerardo Sámano Córdova (Horror) (rec. by Ali do is read)
• A Dowry of Blood - S.T. Gibson (Horror)
• The Goblin Emperor - Katherine Addison (Fantasy/Slice of Life) (rec. by BookswithEmilyFox)
(these are the ones I was thinking of in general , that I hear them mentioned a lot)
I put question marks next to the ones I'm not quite sure if I like. If you have read any of these let me know if it is overrated or if I should read it asap
If you want to recommend books to me Please unleash 🦅
TL;DR: Considering books like Vicious, Mistborn, Battle Royale, and more. Want to try new genres. Recommendations?
Yes, I asked for Mistborn for x-mas! and I hope to receive it! After enjoying Six of Crows, which had a similar concept, and I think I'll enjoy Mistborn even more as it seems more thoughtfully written.
I also considered asking for A Dowry of Blood and The Song of Achilles, but I didn't want to make my parents suspicious since both books include queer representation 😔
Yes I didn't put all the books, bc
1 it would be infinite if I put them all.
2 I'm too lazy to do this whole process
3 I chose the most beautiful covers