What was your favorite moment about today?
What was your favorite moment about today?
You're completely welcome to share! If you just woke up or it's in the early afternoon for you, tell us about yesterday!
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Talking to my friend limegreenWalker9242
The best moment about today is checking in at a resort for a short trip
oh well, I "ate" an uppercut on the jaw and managed to both survive it and stand my ground
I had dinner with my sister yesterday, we really enjoyed each other's company (and that wasn't always easy)
Quality time with my daddy dearest .
When my boss told me that I am going be a good qual researcher!
Figuring out a ride to get from college to home so I can surprise my mom
Nine-Tenth of your mind is in Darkness!!!!
We have to make our unconcious full of light.No nook and corner shouldbeleft without light inside you,Only one-Tenth of our mind is concious,nine-tenth is in darkness ,deep darkness.We are like an iceberg:one-tenth shos up,nine-tenth is hidden underneath-and that nine-tenth is nine times more powerful.
So you may decide something,but you will not be able to follow it;that nine-teths will destroy it any moment.You may decice to get up tomorrow at five o' clock ,but this decision is only by the one-tenth of your mind.your ninth-tenths of the mind is unaware of your decision,absolutely unaware of your decision.So when in the early morning the alarm goes ,nine-tenths of the mind says "what's the hurry? And it is so beautiful and so cosy and warm.Tomorrow we can meditate".And of course,the tomorrow never comes.And when you wake up you feel guilty-but this is not the mind that stopped you from waking up which is feeling guilty.
And this goes on your whole life,this hide-and-seek.One part decides,another part cancels,And the part that cancels is nine times more powerful.You have decided many times not to be angry again,but all your decisions are impotent because that nine times more powerful unconcious is always there and it won't allow the one-tenth to take possession,to be powerful.
Hence the transformation needs a totally different approach.You have to change your unconcious slowly into conciousness.That's what meditation is all about:it is making your light grow bigger,spreading it deeper,slowly driving deeper into your own being.
As more of your unconcious is reclaimed by the conciousness your decisions will start becoming great fulfilments.Real religion-of the Buddhas,the awakened ones-teaches you conciousness,not character:character is a by-product;when you are concious,character comes of its own accord.Ordinary Religion teaches you conciousness,not conscience.
If you can sit silently doing nothing,the spring is not far away,the spring is bound to come.It always comes in silence....when you know how to delight inyour aloneness because onlythe you are Independent.
People are happy with others,but this happiness is dependent;it can be taken away.It will be Taken Away,it is bound to disappear.It can't be permanent,it is momentary.
All happiness that is dependent on others is bound to disappear sooner or later.It is temporary,momentary,it is illusory.Only that joy is yours which wells up within your own being.There are very few people who enjoy their own company.
It is our very nature to be joyous;hence there is no need to depend on anybody else.There is no other motive in it,it is simply there.Just as the water flow downwards,your being rises upwards.Just give it a chance-give it Solitude.And remember again,solitude is not solitariness,just as aloneness is not lonliness.
Thank You:)
Attending a special needs "prom" and making people smile by simply serving them a delicious meal :)
Helping someone and making them feel good :)