What was your favorite moment about today?
What was your favorite moment about today?
You're completely welcome to share! If you just woke up or it's in the early afternoon for you, tell us about yesterday!
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Looking like rain
Watching the sunset and knowing that my loved ones and I made another day
The fact that my math classroom smells the same way warmth feels ^///^
and I realized I can draw ghosts really well, and I like ghosts so that makes me happy
The rain
Having dinner with my whole family made me and laughing like crazy
@sugaryLove85 this made me smile :)
Glad to know that
When my pain started easing up a bit
My dad calling about a job I did months ago, it's the first time he's seen it, he loved it, his compliment means a lot to me
Getting ready to go and visit my daughter, not seen her for a couple of weeks.
Right now, sunshine is bright, light wind dancing in the trees, kitties playing, having my coffee, being relaxed, and having somewhere to put my thoughts.
Singing along to my favorite songs. 🙂