What's your most recent achievement?
I've overcome my insomnia! :) two weeks of solid sleep :)
@Ninni88 - That's great! As a former insomniac myself, I know that must be an enormous relief!
@Anomalia Yes!! It really felt like it was a road with no recovery... especially as I was always know as a sleepy head, I couldn't understand how I got into that state in the first place. :) I ended up finding a 'safe place' where I could let go and relax and took it from there. Fingers crossed it won't return. xxx
I talked successfully in class about something I was passionate about instead of defaulting to something that fit into everyone else's answers (the teacher had asked us to tell about a project we were proud of and still felt connected to - everyone else's was a piece of visual art, but mine was a short story, which I guess can still count as visual art in a way, but no else had said anything writing-related, and it is a design class, so... yeah :P).
My most recent achievement was obtaining my first healthcare related job. I was able to purchase my first pair of scrubs and meet all of the wonderful people that I will work with as well as clients I will see. I am very excited, I see this as a new beginning for me as I was going through a really bad rough patch. Some of those issues are still lingering, however, I am hoping this new job will help instead of hinder.
@DapperRaspberries - How exciting! Best of luck in the new job, and make sure to take care of yourself through this, too :)
@Anomalia Thank you 😊
I started the first draft of my novel in November and managed to write over 50,000 words in a month
That is awesome! I wish my book was going like that!@witchywoo1000
@witchywoo1000 Cool :O I hope to start mine soon ><