What's your most recent achievement?
Haven't self harmed in two days. Feeling helpless but trying to stay strong
@kantokraze stay strong I now its hard just know that there are people in the world that care about you.
@kantokraze Congrats. Any progress counts, hun. You can do this! Remember that you have people in this community, most likely online, and in real life who care about you. By the way, here is a picture showing some alternatives to self-harm. It really helped me every time I had to start fresh after a relapse and the first time I became clean.
I worked out till my knees are shaking. Feels good to sweat.
@2thousandyearsago - Good for you!
thank you
I just did a Television show on Mtv India after sitting at home for 2 years not doing anything, skipping college, being depressed and useless. I was good when I got the show but now after that I'm back to the same. ๐
@Anseela - Even if you're back to the same afterwards, that's still a great achievement and worth celebrating! Are there things that helped you get the motivation to do that that you could also use to help you find the next thing?
@Animal is Thank you so much. That really held a position in my heart. Your way of explaining it was quite nice. ๐
Today I reconnected with my brother. I haven't talked to him in a year and it has been awful not talking to him. I was nervous but our conversation was awesome and I'll be seeing him for the first time in a year next week.
I got the guts to seek professional health to help with my anxiety and depression.
Admitting that I Need help!!!
That's amazing! You are so brave! Asking for help can be the hardest thing in the world, and I am so impressed with you! *hugs*
@intelligentString thank you yes it is hard but I want to feel better
Good job taking the first step! *gives award and cookies*
@greenHuman8078 Good for you! That's awesome.
@Chele42 Thank You!!!!
Today it has been 2 years and 10months since my boyfriend and i have been together and also 2 years and 9 months since i last self harmed
Those are such great accomplishments!
@intelligentString Thank You :)
I got myself up, put a smile on my face and went to work despite feeling sluggish, crappy, and tired. I also made strong efforts ot make my colleagues happy, to get to know them more and to fit into the company. I should be proud of myself ;)
@HappyAndReady You really should be
@undefining Thanks you :)