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What's your most recent achievement?

User Profile: Anomalia
Anomalia February 2nd, 2016

Have you achieved a goal recently? You rock! Tell us all about it!

User Profile: jadielue
jadielue May 9th, 2016

@Anomalia getting through another day

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User Profile: Anomalia
Anomalia OP May 9th, 2016

@jadielue - Good for you! I know sometimes that can be a really big challenge, but you have made it through. Onwards and upwards!

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User Profile: Thenavball
Thenavball May 9th, 2016

My most recent achievement: I'm 16 days free of cigarettes. It's been really tough but I definitely use them as an emotional crutch and feel like I'm in a place stable enough to try to break free of the chains I've bound myself with.

Thank you all!

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User Profile: Anomalia
Anomalia OP May 10th, 2016

@Thenavball - 16 days is pretty darn impressive. Good for you!

User Profile: GentleLuna
GentleLuna May 10th, 2016


Thats fantastic! well done you and keep going :)

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User Profile: JustAnotherMusicFreak
JustAnotherMusicFreak May 9th, 2016

I made it into a higher level band which only 3 people have so far šŸ˜Š

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User Profile: Anomalia
Anomalia OP May 10th, 2016

@JustAnotherMusicFreak - Congratulations! I was a band kid in high school, and know how great it felt to get into a higher band! :)

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User Profile: SakuraSkye
SakuraSkye May 9th, 2016

@Anomalia I haven't skipped any classes out of anxiety in a month! :)

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User Profile: Anomalia
Anomalia OP May 10th, 2016

@SakuraSkye - Way to go! That's fantastic! Hopefully whatever has helped you this month is something you can take with you going forward. :)

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User Profile: P3pp3r
P3pp3r May 10th, 2016

My most recent achievement is I just started to take a mindfulness group in hopes to find other ways to help me deal and cope with my emotions.

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User Profile: Anomalia
Anomalia OP May 10th, 2016

@P3pp3r - Good for you for taking the first step to get things under control! I hope it helps!

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User Profile: thefearoffallingapart
thefearoffallingapart May 10th, 2016

I haven't had a panic attack all day :)

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User Profile: Anomalia
Anomalia OP May 10th, 2016

@thefearoffallingapart - Woohoo! A panic free day must have been a nice relief!

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User Profile: Davids2020
Davids2020 May 10th, 2016

I arrived early to the job :)

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User Profile: Lyra
Lyra May 10th, 2016


That's absolutely amazing, David! Arriving early makes us feel good and in control, and takes away from our worries (plus, it takes a lot of effort if all you want to do is sleep). I'm really proud of you ā¤

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User Profile: JazzDrummer
JazzDrummer May 10th, 2016

I haven't achieved it yet, but I hope to make a drumline

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User Profile: Lyra
Lyra May 10th, 2016


I am so impressed with anyone with musical talent, because I'm so unmusical myself, but that sounds really really cool! You're an incredibly gifted and creative person, and don't you forget it ā¤

PS. Let us know how it goes!

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User Profile: JazzDrummer
JazzDrummer May 13th, 2016

@Lyra drumline auditions comin up tommorrow. We'll see how this goes. The drum rudiments are less hard for me so that's nice.

User Profile: JazzDrummer
JazzDrummer May 13th, 2016

@Lyra additionally, I noticed you requested to follow my feed. I have the 7CoT app and it has some errors. I'll have to get on a computer to approve the request. So just a disclaimer haha

User Profile: JazzDrummer
JazzDrummer May 15th, 2016

@Lyra I made cymbal line.

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User Profile: creativeMelon1653
creativeMelon1653 May 10th, 2016

Recently, I underwent LASIK surgery which is huge because I was terrified.

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User Profile: Lyra
Lyra May 10th, 2016


Oh my gosh, that is absolutely huge! I am so so proud of you for going through with it, I know I would have been absolutely out of my mind with terror, but you were strong and brave, and you went through with it. I really hope that your vision has improved, that you're able to see (ba bum tish) the difference already ā¤

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User Profile: creativeMelon1653
creativeMelon1653 May 11th, 2016


Thank you. They gave me something to squeeze, which was very helpful.

And yes, my vision improved greatly. I got better than 20/20 now and considering I was very myopic, originally -5.75, -6. I'm tripping over how much things are clearer than even with my contacts. I have to use some drops for this week and tonight is the last night I have to wear my eye shield. Sometimes, I forget I'm not wearing contact lenses and I go to wash my hands after washing my face so it doesn't sting, lol.

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User Profile: becomelight
becomelight May 10th, 2016

It seems like a very small goal - but I filled in and mailed my application for my NY nursing license. Wish me luck!

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User Profile: Lyra
Lyra May 10th, 2016


No way! That is absolutely huge, congratulations! I wish you the very best of luck, lovely, you deserve it - they'll be lucky to have someone as kind and as caring as you!

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