What's your most recent achievement?
I learned how to realistically support my son, living in today's world. I have been so nervous since he came out to me, about 2 months ago. I want to be there for him, in a way that matters. I just want so badly, to do EVERYTHING just right. I want to launch him into the world from a solid platform. I don't want to be the one to hurt him. Close enough to be called 17, and high functioning Autistic, he already has so many challenges facing him. I don't want to ever add to them, or ignore them. On top of all of that, I want to teach him perfect safety. I want him to know how to protect himself. We don't live in a safe world. I called our local LGBTQ CENTER. I was able to invite a wonderful, compassionate, woman to tea. A licensed counselor. She will come to see him EVERY WEEK now. She is even going to introduce him slowly, to a few key people at the center. He will be able to socialize - in the community he belongs to. I feel well rewarded! I feel well accomplished! I am so very blessed by his presence in my life... EVERY DAY!
I told someone how I really feel on the inside
@littleCup5877 That's amazing. I wish I had the courage to do that sometimes..
19 days sober....😕
@Introvrtd1 19 days in recovery today..😕
Building my physical strength back up again after injury. I am definitely not even close to back to my normal yet, but I'm on a road to healing which I'm thankful for.
@Moj I am going through a similar healing situation. Stay on this path, it is a good one!
Having the willingness to have a open mind about my addictions and short comings