What's your most recent achievement?
Today, waking up, taking out recycling, going for a walk, washing my hair, taking a small nap, eating a small meal, listening to music, getting things ready for tomorrow and finishing requested task.
getting involved in art classes .
I dislike waiting and im trying to finish and complete my journaling
@dhabib - Awesome! That sounds like a great place to get involved!
true I agree it is a good idea i need it i needed it .@Anomalia
Um....Try not to shut out my partners I guess, After a lifetime of telling everyone nothing is wrong it feels pretty good that despite possibly overloading them with my baggage on top theirs I got it out and they didn't stop loving me.....but now I feel bad for putting my s**t on top of theirs. And I asked Shavon if he thought I didn't love him or Mi corazon valiente but he made me confront my own feelings so now I no longer doubt my own feelings anymore. not about that anymore at least. I feel a little bit lighter now.
@TenshuZninja - I'm really proud of you. It's not easy to open up about things, especially when you're worried about adding to someone else's responsibilities or stresses, but it's really important to do for yourself and to build those relationships stronger. Well done!
@Anomalia they dumped me because of my baggage. Ive learned my lesson. Will not do that again.
Well i snuck into a construction site and lit off flares off the 15th floor. Took some pictures and had a blast doing it and i realised how much of the pain it took away. Going out doing something crazy for a shot helped keep my.mind at ease. So one day when i was snowboarding i took a lift to a point pretty far up the mountain and took off to look for some good shots. Without much effort i found a few. Snapped what i could and continued to blaze the trail. Later that day i looked back and started editing them. Threw them on instagram and then thats where it began to take off as my escape. Its been helpfull ever since.m
I woke up early and walked my dog.