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Is It in your Room?

WhoopsCat December 6th, 2016

This is a simple game.You ask if a random object is in your room, then the next person replies yes or no,and then they ask! Example: A notebook? - Yes! Do you have a pencil in your room? And so on! I'll start this off easy. Do you have a laptop in your room?

Pleiades20 September 28th, 2017

Yep, a couple swimsuits in my drawer!

Do you have any tank tops in your room?

terrytee September 29th, 2017

Not really haha!

Any jeans?

sail46 September 29th, 2017


Any running shoes

BeingOfService September 30th, 2017

I have two pairs of nike's that aren't exactly running shoes but they look like them.

Any reusable water bottles?

terrytee October 1st, 2017

No :O

Any calenders?

lovelyWhisper66 October 1st, 2017


Any reusable bags (the cloth ones)?

sail46 October 1st, 2017


Do you have a desk fan

lovelyWhisper66 October 2nd, 2017

Yes, it technically can be used on a desk, so I suppose that counts.

Any rugs/carpets?

LittleAardwolf October 3rd, 2017


Any foods?

Compassionatelistener108 October 3rd, 2017

Yes, candy corn. My October treat.

special notes from friends?

lovelyWhisper66 October 3rd, 2017


Any suitcases?

mimameid October 3rd, 2017


A television?

lovelyWhisper66 October 3rd, 2017


A nail file?

Compassionatelistener108 October 5th, 2017

No, oddly


lovelyWhisper66 October 5th, 2017


A bowtie?

BeingOfService October 5th, 2017

Maybe somewhere? A cheap one though, not a nice one. Probably locked in my closet somewhere.

A pair of shoes or piece of clothing owned by someone of the opposite gender.

BeingOfService October 5th, 2017

@BeingOfService Pardon me. Clothing owned by someone of a different gender than the one you identify with.

lovelyWhisper66 October 5th, 2017

Yes. I have a couple of t-shirts that were purchased from the mens side of the store.

Any DVDs/ Blue Ray Discs?

PhoenixRises12345 October 6th, 2017


Do you have a ceiling fan in your room?

lovelyWhisper66 October 6th, 2017


Any cough drops?

Compassionatelistener108 October 8th, 2017


a globe?

lovelyWhisper66 October 8th, 2017


A baseball cap?

sail46 October 8th, 2017


A swimsuit

BeingOfService October 9th, 2017

Yeah! A whole bunch in my closet.

Football jersey?

lovelyWhisper66 October 9th, 2017


Any headphones?

PhoenixRises12345 October 9th, 2017


Do you have an alarm clock in your room?

sail46 October 15th, 2017


House plants?

Moj October 16th, 2017

In my bedroom, yes!!
Do you have any card games in your room?

OctoberIvy October 16th, 2017

Yep. it's called Consetacles, and it's quite funny

A water bottle?

PenneAlfredo May 21st, 2020


multiple! Gotta stay hydrated ;)

Do you have a ball in your room?

Marypingolongo October 16th, 2017


A guitar?

lovelyWhisper66 October 17th, 2017


A desk?

BeingOfService October 18th, 2017

Heck yeah! A huge one with all kinds of great stuff on it.


Lonewolf78 October 18th, 2017

Stuff my kid made. Those are my awards.

A tetris lamp? (geek, guilty)

Sean1988 October 18th, 2017


A fishbowl?

lovelyWhisper66 October 19th, 2017


Any hairspray?

lane15 October 19th, 2017


Any hairdressing tools?

sail46 October 20th, 2017


nail clippers

Moj October 21st, 2017

Yes I do!

Do you have any extra keys in your room?

PhoenixRises12345 October 24th, 2017


Do you have a fish in your room?