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Is It in your Room?

WhoopsCat December 6th, 2016

This is a simple game.You ask if a random object is in your room, then the next person replies yes or no,and then they ask! Example: A notebook? - Yes! Do you have a pencil in your room? And so on! I'll start this off easy. Do you have a laptop in your room?

wittyNest2941 July 13th, 2018


Ahhh no bean bag, but I really should get one.

Is there anything Blue in your room?

Blackedoutdaydreams July 12th, 2017

No siree,

Do you have any video games in your room?

CocoShell2310 July 12th, 2017

yes i do.

do you have a dartboard in your room?

NourrirVotreAme July 12th, 2017


Do you have vase in your room?

OrangeYouGlad68 July 13th, 2017


Do you have an animal cage in your room?

Kelseynh July 13th, 2017


yep! It's my rabbit's cage but she doesn't really go in it unless she's eating or something :)

do you have a paintbrush in your room?

OrangeYouGlad68 July 13th, 2017

@Kelseynh I adore rabbits! What kind/color is yours?

Yes, I have a set of paintbrushes for acrylics.

Do you have a board game in your room?

Kelseynh July 13th, 2017

yep! It's my rabbit's cage but she doesn't really go in it unless she's eating or something :)

do you have a paintbrush in your room?

(i did this wrong the first time sorry lol)
cloudySummer July 13th, 2017

I don't have a boardgame here, but lots of paint brushes.

Do you have new, unused batteries in your room?

OrangeYouGlad68 July 13th, 2017

No no batteries.

Do you have a vacuum in your room?

cloudySummer July 13th, 2017

Not sure, maybe in some electronics? No old monitors, and no insulating bottles, no piece of outer space. (figuratively, there is, but I doubt that counts here)

Do you have a vacuum cleaner in your room?

OrangeYouGlad68 July 13th, 2017


Do you have a wooden chair in your room?

BeingOfService July 13th, 2017

Yes actually I do! It's on top of a cabinet in my room and I hardly use it.

Do you have any board games in your room?

CocoShell2310 July 13th, 2017

does a dartboard count? haha. oh wait, i do have a chessboard, i think, it's probably hidden at the back of the closet.

do you have roller blades in your room?

NourrirVotreAme July 13th, 2017


Do you have a tennis racket in your room?

OrangeYouGlad68 July 13th, 2017


Do you have hand thrown pottery in your room?

neatBalloon7178 July 13th, 2017

Ooh, I wish! No...

Do you have a calendar in your room?

OrangeYouGlad68 July 13th, 2017

No, not in this room

Do you have any hand tools in your room?

KnocktournalMonkey July 13th, 2017

Yes, quite a few actually

Do you have antiques in your room?

OrangeYouGlad68 July 13th, 2017

Yes, many- I love the stories they carry

Do you have a watering can in your room?

Pleiades20 July 13th, 2017


Do you have an action figure in your room?

OrangeYouGlad68 July 13th, 2017


Do you have a book thicker than one inch in your room?

CocoShell2310 July 13th, 2017

i do, about 6 to 8 of them.

do you have a finished/framed 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle in your room?

OrangeYouGlad68 July 13th, 2017

No I do not.

Do you have a wooden box in your room?

neatBalloon7178 July 14th, 2017


Do you have a pair of sandals in your room?

BeingOfService July 14th, 2017

No, they're in the closet downstairs.

Do you have any weights in your room?

OrangeYouGlad68 July 14th, 2017

Yes small hand weights by the computer for breaks.

Do you have a pair of sunglasses in your room?

Pleiades20 July 14th, 2017

I have sunglasses but not in my room. I think I might have forgotten them at my parents' house.

Do you have nail polish in your room?

OrangeYouGlad68 July 14th, 2017


Do you have a transistor radio in your room?

NourrirVotreAme July 15th, 2017

yup i do!

do you have ukulele in your room?

Justanormalgirl7274 July 15th, 2017

No i dont

Do u have paintings in ur room?

NourrirVotreAme July 15th, 2017


Do you have something that you made in your room?

BeingOfService July 15th, 2017

I do! A whole bunch of drawings, my desk, a closet and shoe rack and a book shelf from IKEA, and probably a bunch of other things I don't know about.

do you have more than one computer in your room?

Justanormalgirl7274 July 15th, 2017


Do you have a telivision in your room?

NourrirVotreAme July 15th, 2017


Do you have yellow pencil in your room?

OrangeYouGlad68 July 15th, 2017

Yes a box of #2

Do you have a file cabinet in your room?

NourrirVotreAme July 16th, 2017


do you have book shelf in your room?

OrangeYouGlad68 July 16th, 2017

Yes but I need more

Do you have a fake plant in your room?

NourrirVotreAme July 16th, 2017

no, i guess i will keep one

Do you have stuffed toy in your room?

OrangeYouGlad68 July 16th, 2017

Yes, a large hairy tarantula named Hairy.