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Is It in your Room?

WhoopsCat December 6th, 2016

This is a simple game.You ask if a random object is in your room, then the next person replies yes or no,and then they ask! Example: A notebook? - Yes! Do you have a pencil in your room? And so on! I'll start this off easy. Do you have a laptop in your room?

WhiteDrop June 18th, 2019

Always did, but now only heart and head.

Have you been to Lego Land (i could not go...)

lazyKatz June 18th, 2019

No...never been there.

Have you any intension of doing anymore traveling

ClassicalMe June 18th, 2019

It seems like your guy's conversations are taking all of the game threads over... Maybe you want to start a thread where you guys can just talk? It's just a suggestion, I mean no disrespect, honestly, I'm happy you guys can talk to each other... It's just, I don't even know where the game starts and your conversations end...

WhiteDrop June 18th, 2019

@ClassicalMe you are right @ClassicalMe, no need for a thread for us, normal would have been for member to be able to pm. In normal life games people talk to each other, i din't think we hindered anyone, our chit chat was on the side. From now on i only stick strictly to the game.

Good bye @lazyKatz

lazyKatz June 18th, 2019

Whats happened?

ClassicalMe June 19th, 2019

@WhiteDrop this is exactly what I didn't want to happen. I said I didn't mean it as disrespectful, and I didn't mean to discourage your talking to one another, I full-heartedly support that, 100%. I just meant that it's making the game a little confusing. I'm not sure if you guys are talking or playing the game.... That's all. I think a thread for you to talk to one another is a good idea. I know a few people who have done that. I just think the game thread should stay, well, a game thread. I'm sorry if I upset you or if you felt that I was trying to cause drama, I just want to play the game. I want this to be an enjoyable place for everyone, so I don't want you to feel discluded now. Please understand my intentions and I hope you forgive any misunderstanding that nay have occurred. Just trying to keep the thread as it's intended purpose.

WhiteDrop June 19th, 2019

@ClassicalMe it's intended purpose was for people to get to know each other through games and unwind as icebrakers. We necer stopped anyone from participating or engaging in conversations. Chats were posted to persons and answers to the games as posts to threads. But once again I appologise @ClassicalMe, it is only my fault for being a social animal and talking to people while playing or having a bit of fun. Exchanging words in a simple series of words can get boring and does not bring people together. I am sorry once again and took your advice and created a thread. You are welcome too after @lazyKats aproves of it and starts it😉🤗. Everyone else too🤗

ClassicalMe June 19th, 2019

I'm not positive where the game stopped and conversations started, so I will go with the last post I think was the game...

Yes, I keep keepsakes of places I've visited.

Does anyone have an extension cord in their room?

lovelyWhisper66 June 19th, 2019


Any eye drops?

ClassicalMe June 19th, 2019

Yes, I keep my whole allergy fortress in my room, so plenty of eyedrops!

How about a cordless charger?

ClassicalMe June 19th, 2019

Yes, I keep my whole allergy fortress in my room, so plenty of eyedrops!

How about a cordless charger?

FlowersPralinesPresents June 19th, 2019

Everyone has one

Do you have a smart watch in your room?

gregariousPenny255 June 20th, 2019

I don't own one. With how bad I am at breaking electronics owning one would be a waste of funds.

How about a disco ball?

FlowersPralinesPresents June 20th, 2019

Kitchy but fun, reminds me of my old vintage when making disco balls out of footballs covered in chocolate aluminum wrappings😂

Do you have a "presence" in your room?


lazyKatz June 20th, 2019

Not in my room but I do on the landing. Its nothing scary I'm used to it now.

Same queestion back to you

FlowersPralinesPresents June 20th, 2019

It's always with me

Do you have something wavy in your room?

lazyKatz June 20th, 2019


Although I do try my painting on the skirting board looks a little wavy.

Do you have a favorite chair in your room

FlowersPralinesPresents June 20th, 2019

Yes, I baught it second hand from Bulgaria in my rally Citroen car, upholstered it myself with crimson velure and mounted casters on it. (My only chair)

What is the firts thing you turn to in your room?

lazyKatz June 20th, 2019

First thing I do is to switch the tv on, most of the time it goes off after about 5 minutes as the selection of programmes is often rubbish.

Do you tidy your room every day.

FlowersPralinesPresents June 20th, 2019

@lazyKatz my tv is always on, i watch documentaries...sleep with them too...

FlowersPralinesPresents June 20th, 2019

I used to whnen i was me, now i have depression plus i went through the biggest loss in my the answer to that is obvious...

Do you have 40 degrees in your room?

lazyKatz June 20th, 2019


Penny has just dropped you didn't mean the temperature

lazyKatz June 20th, 2019

It is fairly warm, normally lie on top of the bed.

Do you keep any hand cream in your room (lots of men do)

FlowersPralinesPresents June 20th, 2019

@lazyKatz it was a ridfle and your answer incorrect😉 @lazyKatz

FlowersPralinesPresents June 20th, 2019

Ihave an old expired Nivea body lotion in my room because i used to give lymphatic masages, my strong soft palms are made for that, extracting toxines from body tissues...after a lymphatic massage you want to go to the toilet to pee...and I could gurantee putting someone to sleep in 2 minutes because it starts with the head and face...😔

Do you have 2 pillows in your room?

lazyKatz June 20th, 2019

Yes two pillows and two pillow shams

Do you often kick the bedclothes off in the nighttime

FlowersPralinesPresents June 20th, 2019

@lazyKatz me too illows two😂 @lazyKatz

FlowersPralinesPresents June 20th, 2019


Do you have a bed stand im your room?

lazyKatz June 20th, 2019

No, my room is fairly empty.....I do have a craft room next door. So far no crafting has taken place.Do you watch your phone/tablet whatever in your room.

FlowersPralinesPresents June 20th, 2019

@lazyKatz it's a pitty, i always wanted a crafts room and to make toys for kids...

FlowersPralinesPresents June 20th, 2019

My laptop has not been used since fall last year...

Do you have a porcelain antique coat hanger with early cars in your room?

lazyKatz June 20th, 2019

All my coat hangers are in a spare room, some are wooden one or two from hotels I've stayed in, some are padded and the rest are just plain plastic ones.

Have you stayed in many hotels when traveling, and have you saved any coat hangers from them

FlowersPralinesPresents June 20th, 2019

Mirriad times in my life I have spent in hotelrooms but no coat hangers, just saved the little soaps or chocolates from.the pillow and cosmetic miniature bottles to give to my friends.

Do you have slippers or flip flops in your room?

lazyKatz June 20th, 2019

Yes I do have some but they're never used.

How about a dressing gown do you own one of those

FlowersPralinesPresents June 20th, 2019

@lazyKatz now you made me laugh @lazyKatz🤗🤗🤗

FlowersPralinesPresents June 20th, 2019

No, but two bathrobes, an Adiddas bathribe and an old expensive wool scotish bathrobe with silk sleeves, collar and pocket liners...

Do you hace an artistic jeans art wall varoet in your room?

FlowersPralinesPresents June 20th, 2019

@FlowersPralinesPresents carpet, sorry...

lazyKatz June 20th, 2019

No.... three pictures on the walls that is all....Less to dust.

Do you keep spare glasses in your room

FlowersPralinesPresents June 20th, 2019

Yes, my broken pair that i never got to repair...😔😔😔

Do you have towels and sheets under your bed?

lazyKatz June 20th, 2019

Some new sheets are in the drawer under the bed, the rest are in the airing cupboard on the landing.

Do you change your bed every week?