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Is It in your Room?

WhoopsCat December 6th, 2016

This is a simple game.You ask if a random object is in your room, then the next person replies yes or no,and then they ask! Example: A notebook? - Yes! Do you have a pencil in your room? And so on! I'll start this off easy. Do you have a laptop in your room?

Moj July 22nd, 2017

@OrangeYouGlad68 I just used a paint brush. It's a painting that I did at work with my coworkers on one of those paint night things. It was lots of fun. I'm not a painting person typically, but was a great time, and I'd totally do it again!

OrangeYouGlad68 July 22nd, 2017

Yes three large ones from my home state.

Do you have a lottery ticket in your room?

Moj July 22nd, 2017

I do surprise it's one that one of my closest friends sent me from her state and I won a small amount, but haven't sent it back to her for her to claim the prize!!
Do you have any spare keys in your room?

OrangeYouGlad68 July 22nd, 2017

Heavens Yes! I learned early on to keep spare keys ( several) around the house, I use to loose my keys often or get locked out of my car.

Do you have a pool noodle in your room?

Moj July 22nd, 2017

Haha, I actually do!! Or at least a piece of a pool noodle. It's only about 7-8 inches long, but I use it for some of my exercises that help my feet when I'm having trouble and pain with them.
Do you have any flowers in your room?

cloudySummer July 22nd, 2017

Made of fabric, and smiling at me with their little smiley faces. No living ones, though.

Do you have any books in your room that qualify as 'classics'?

OrangeYouGlad68 July 22nd, 2017

Yes - many, we are a house of readers.

Do you have something in your room that is only meant for company?

NourrirVotreAme July 24th, 2017


Do you have drawing sheets in your room?

OrangeYouGlad68 July 24th, 2017

Sketch pad, does that count?

Do you have a lava lamp in your room?

EnigmaForte July 24th, 2017

No, but I've always wanted one. ;-;

Do you have a ball of yarn in your room?

OrangeYouGlad68 July 24th, 2017

Ah-ha, I have a large bag of yarn to go through next to me! more skeins than balls ;P

Do you have a swim suit in your room?

EnigmaForte July 24th, 2017


Do you have a vacuum cleaner in your room?

OrangeYouGlad68 July 24th, 2017

Yeah, but not usually.

Do you have an ironing board in your room?

EnigmaForte July 24th, 2017


Do you have hand sanitizer in your room?

OrangeYouGlad68 July 24th, 2017


Do you have art supplies in your room?

EnigmaForte July 24th, 2017

Yep, charcoal pencils, drawing sheets, markers. :P

Do you have a calendar (that is not virtual) in your room?

OrangeYouGlad68 July 24th, 2017

Yes, a large one on the wall , it is my memory tablet.;)

Do you have a 35mm camera in your room?

Pleiades20 July 24th, 2017

I do not.

Do you have a mood ring in your room?

OrangeYouGlad68 July 24th, 2017

No, but I would love one

Do you have vintage suitcase in your room?

BeingOfService July 24th, 2017

No. My suitcase is the exact opposite lol it's one of those cheap ones from Costco.

Do you have earplugs in your room?

sail46 July 24th, 2017

Do swim earplugs count?

Do you have a cookbook in your room?

neatBalloon7178 July 25th, 2017

Ooh, I wish :) Not in my room, though

Do you have a picture frame in your room?

NourrirVotreAme July 25th, 2017


Do you have shampoo in your room?

EnigmaForte July 25th, 2017


Do you have a hairdryer in your room?

OrangeYouGlad68 July 25th, 2017


Do you have a cassette tape in your room?

cloudySummer July 25th, 2017


Do you have cassette player cleaning fluid?

neatBalloon7178 July 25th, 2017


Do you have a fountain pen in your room?

Pleiades20 July 25th, 2017


Do you have a pair of rain boots in your room?

OrangeYouGlad68 July 25th, 2017


Do you have a book copyrighted before 1900?

OrangeYouGlad68 July 25th, 2017


Do you have a scrabble board game in your room?

Pleiades20 July 25th, 2017

I do not.

Do you have a fishbowl/aquarium in your room?

sail46 July 25th, 2017


Do you have fresh flowers in your room?

OrangeYouGlad68 July 25th, 2017


Do you have a candle in your room?

neatBalloon7178 July 25th, 2017


Do you have a sketchbook in your room?

sail46 July 26th, 2017


Do you have a tennis racket in your room.

OrangeYouGlad68 July 26th, 2017

Do not

Do you have a football jersey in your room?

NourrirVotreAme July 26th, 2017


Do you have a screwdriver in your room?

OrangeYouGlad68 July 26th, 2017

Often times yes but not right now.

Do you have a stress ball in your room?

NourrirVotreAme July 26th, 2017


do you have Game of Thrones merchandise in your room?

OrangeYouGlad68 July 26th, 2017


Do you have a sword in your room?