1000 reasons to be happy.
Hi everyone!
My username is, like you can see, 1000ReasonsToBeHappy and I thought it would be a nice idea to start a thread called like that where people can share the things that make them happy.
A thread like this already exists in the Listener's Only forum but now everyone can join!
Please numberizeyour reasons why you can be happy so it can be counted.
You can post more than one thing by the way.
Let's go! :)
463. Long summer evenings
464. Fresh water filter in the pitcher
465. Cold duvet hitting your warm skin at the end of the day x
Beautiful sunsets :)
466. beautiful sunsets ** (whoops sorry)
467. Lightning Bugs
468. Soft sand between your toes and fresh sea air in your nose.
469. Cat videos
470. Finding a beautiful seashell on the seashore.
We're actually at 472. So here's one...
472. Being proud of yourself for succeeding at a difficult task