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1000 reasons to be happy.

1000ReasonsToBeHappy October 28th, 2014

Hi everyone!

My username is, like you can see, 1000ReasonsToBeHappy and I thought it would be a nice idea to start a thread called like that where people can share the things that make them happy.

A thread like this already exists in the Listener's Only forum but now everyone can join!

Please numberizeyour reasons why you can be happy so it can be counted.

You can post more than one thing by the way.

Let's go! :)

ladylazarus1971 December 16th, 2016

350. Warm, fuzzy sweaters

shonali22 December 16th, 2016

Cause the world was, is and always will be negative minded. And i am born to be different!

Compassionatelistener108 December 18th, 2016

Because we are here in this community supporting one another.

peachy2015 December 20th, 2016

353. Classical music 🎶

Compassionatelistener108 December 20th, 2016

354. traveling to new and different places

KnocktournalMonkey January 11th, 2017

To smile and giggle at myself going through the moaning of life.... I don't think I've ever done it, I've always scowled, I am asking myself, I would enjoy it very much if I can smile with myself, enjoying my company. It's happing slowly you know. :)

ladylazarus1971 January 11th, 2017

356. The possibilities of forgiveness

spasticrabbit February 3rd, 2017

357. That there are perfectly ripe avocados out there that aren't hard as a rock or guacamole with skin.

KnocktournalMonkey February 4th, 2017

Looking back a memories that at the time they occured were really frustrating but now it's just a laugh to think about.

Moj February 17th, 2017

359. Beautiful skies

360. Loving partner

361. Fresh clean drinking water

melonMeloncholy February 17th, 2017

I love this thread!

362. The beautiful dance leaves make as they fall from the branch to the ground.

February 17th, 2017

363. The feeling you get when it's finally Friday!

KnocktournalMonkey February 18th, 2017

364. Cartoons indoors during a cold stormy evening

peachy2015 February 22nd, 2017

365. The smell of freshly brewed coffee ☕️

Moj March 11th, 2017

366. Heat therapy bags

367. Spring will come soon

368. Warm blankets

369. Supportive and understanding people

370. Comfy clothes

blossombreathe March 11th, 2017

371. Sunshine peeking through the blinds in the morning.

372. The smell of warm, fresh bread.

373. A cool breeze coming through the window.

374. Seeing the first star in the night's sky.

375. Hearing little children giggle.

Candysweeeeeet March 12th, 2017

1. Teddy bear

2, blankets

3, my ipad

4, 7 cups

5, anime

6, manga

7 , cosplay

8, chibis

9, sleep

10, friends

ladylazarus1971 March 12th, 2017

386. Spring is coming.

IIMalindaII March 12th, 2017

When you remember something so funny from your past that you start laughing like crazy.

March 13th, 2017

388. You have home and food

389.your country isn't in war

390.whatever you think you're someone found this app so it's like there's hope in humanity :) have wifi

393.there's always worst situation than yours can see hear smell move taste touch

KnocktournalMonkey March 14th, 2017

395. Enjoying end of day eating great Indian food and going home to play with radio control cars 1/10 in scale

KnocktournalMonkey March 14th, 2017

396. Meeting new people and sharing similarities

AmalieAnne March 14th, 2017

397. In summer when I am really home, taking my shoes and socks off, sitting in the harbour with my feet in the water.

398. American tourists (sorry) they are funny and I love hearing the way they talk.

blossombreathe March 14th, 2017

399. The sun coming out after a tough, horrible day.

March 14th, 2017

400.when you're home and see the rain falling outside ✨

401.when you feel the wind(personally I find that funny especially when you're with friends and it's difficult to walk 😄)

ladylazarus1971 March 14th, 2017

402. Late snowfalls. It's so pretty outside!

blossombreathe March 15th, 2017

403. The sun shining and not a cloud to be seen!

KnocktournalMonkey March 15th, 2017

404. Knowing the I can stop bullying myself because its the last thing I need! For computer geeks, this is ironic on 404. but know it does exist if you make it exist ;)

lazyKatz March 16th, 2017

405. Emotions recollected in tranquility.[ This is in fact, as Wordsworth put it, the foundation of poetry creation.]

blossombreathe March 17th, 2017

406. Planning to treat yourself at the weekend ^-^

KnocktournalMonkey March 17th, 2017

407. Awareness of respecting my own boundaries

blossombreathe March 18th, 2017

408. The fresh feeling when you step out of the shower. ^-^

peachy2015 March 19th, 2017

409. The smell of coconut oil

activelemon March 19th, 2017


- sound of laughter

KnocktournalMonkey March 21st, 2017

411. Sharing a connection that is realistically judgment free with another person

activelemon March 21st, 2017


- sunshine and a light breeze.

Maddz4Christ March 22nd, 2017


Having a moment of carefree spirit when your mind isnt fighting you. Suddenly every second feels like the next best moment I have ever had!

activelemon March 22nd, 2017


-clean clothes!

ladylazarus1971 March 22nd, 2017

415. Leftovers so you don't have to cook when you're tired.

RememberKindness March 23rd, 2017


My cat.

When I've had a tough day, I look forward to opening the door and seeing my little tuxedo cat trotting towards me to say hello. I've always been a dog-person, until he came into my life.

I hope I can provide him with as much love and happiness as he does for me.