My Journal - a public dream journal
imma use this post as my dream journal for everyone to see cus why not.
my dreams are weird.
I found an article about
A Hong Kong Artist Is Using A.I. to Connect People Who Are Having Similar Dreams
Here is a link to the website.
Fascinating to me for a number of reasons. It has been a while since I read this article, but the article discussed numerous people having similar foreboding dreams before 9/11. I am curious to see what this site uncovers - The Collective Unconsciousness???
there's this game i play called gacha club and in the real world, i use it to make a lot of my characters. this time i not only saw that there is a new club with only two characters but also that you can make your own club.
another china dream, this time i actually go there. when i went, a city of it was on a platform and it was cloudy. dad told me that if i didnt behave, i would go to north korea.
a two in one cus i forgot to record a dream yesterday
i tried running away from my parents. at some point, i got into someone's car, that was unlocked for some reason, then i just walked out. them a police woman came to me accused me of stealing it. i blamed the owner of the car and the owner got arrested.
remember that dream about gacha club? this one is also related to it. i got to go to different dimensions of the elements and stuff in the dream. i went to the wind one and there were trees surrounding the grass field. there was also a trampoline and a playground.