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Viz1234 June 2nd, 2023



A mood that changes constantly, you never know what's coming next,
Either loving someone or on the contrary, hating and being vexed.
Everything seen in terms black and white, no shades of grey between,
Feeling empty and in great emotional pain inside, is all too often by you seen.

So terribly irate and emotional, you feel like that all the time,
That the after effects of emotions last for you a very long time, is simply a crime.
Going to great lengths and doing anything to end your inner pain,
Feeling emotions much stronger and deeper than most, must be to you such a drain.

An ongoing difficulty maintaining a sense of identity and purpose in your life,
You don't know who you are at all and what you really want, it really must be a strife.
Proving hard for you to maintain and reach your goals, failure dragging you down,
Not taking enough quality time to think about yourself, if you do its with a frown.

You need to step outside yourself for a moment, realising what you have been through,
That you have lived so long this way shows your strength in coping, so don't feel so blue.
Feel proud of yourself for going through, what most 'normal people' couldn't have even managed,
Don't any longer allow your past life's traumatic lot, to continue to make you feel savaged.

Trust in yourself, don't dwell any longer on insecurity and the abandonment fear,
Though difficult to manoeuvre through this oft callous world, don't deny your emotions dear.
I see you so strong, amazingly intelligent, kind and beautiful from skin to your soul,
Consider my words ere captured in prose an never forget, overcome can you every single life goal.

(C) 2023 By Sloth like me

Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 2nd, 2023


Oof this is too good, Viz!❤

Viz1234 OP June 2nd, 2023


Thank you :) Am happy you enjoyed it and found it too good

MikaMarvel June 2nd, 2023

Awesome piece. I immensely enjoyed the flow.

Well done Viz.

Viz1234 OP June 2nd, 2023


Thanks, time these words saw the light of day i thought. Have been carrying them with me alone for far too long.

MikaMarvel June 2nd, 2023

I bet it wasn't easy taking that step. But I am glad you did it, so are many other people. It is an inspiration 🌟

Viz1234 OP June 2nd, 2023


It was easy. The words were always intended for someone that I knew wouldn't appreciate them or misread my intention in sharing them with her. Sharing them here (on AP too) felt the right thing to do so as to perhaps help someone that might appreciate them and benefit from my observations and personal past experience of a sufferer. Thank you for your continued and consistent support and encouragement to write such things, I appreciate you <3

AayushreeKalyani June 2nd, 2023

@Viz1234 so so so good!

Viz1234 OP June 2nd, 2023


Thanks glad you like it :)

Summerish June 2nd, 2023

@Viz I want to share this with someone I know who has BPD, but only if you allow it.

Viz1234 OP June 2nd, 2023


Yes of course, I posted it here to help people to read, reflect and share it as necessary.

Thank you for being so respectful as to ask first.

goldenPearr June 2nd, 2023

@Viz1234 Rightly said vizzie, and beautifully wrote ♥️

Viz1234 OP June 2nd, 2023


Glad it met with your approval :)

FreshOrangeJuice143 June 2nd, 2023


Thank you Viz. Reading this makes me feel supported today, the support I need to propel forward with life. I am drawing courage from this poem, you are right, I am strong and won't be defeated. Bless you for being an awesome sloth. :)

Viz1234 OP June 2nd, 2023


Am so happy it gave you a lift exactly when you needed it. Stay your strong and resilient self always <3

Themaninblackxxx June 2nd, 2023

Do you have bpd?

The poem is decent enough but it reads like a list of what bpd sufferers go through, according to outsiders..

Doesn't really feel like what it actually is like on the inside, although from the outside it might look that way

No offence but I don't relate to a lot of it. It might be true what you are saying but it doesn't feel that way and that's all that matters

You are talking about rational thinking and we just don't do that very much

Viz1234 OP June 2nd, 2023


I dont, its written upon reflection of the personal perspective of experiences of living and working with people living with bpd.

No offence taken, I appreciate your comments and also that everyones experiences of bpd may well differ.

I also appreciate that it is wise to remember that, as important that thoughts and emotions are, feelings arent always facts.

As such, this poem is very much an outside perspective from someone that employs creative writing as a means towards self healing and self therapy.

Antrod8 June 2nd, 2023


Awesome poem Viz, I'm sure alot of ppl can relate and gain encouragement! Thanks for sharing that!

Viz1234 OP June 2nd, 2023


Thanks Ant, even if just one person gains some form of inner relief from it, thats job done for me, for after all it was written with one person in my mind.

ReJayRain June 3rd, 2023

Was i this person you had in mind? :P

Viz1234 OP June 3rd, 2023


lol no ya joker, ex partner and some work colleagues too

ReJayRain June 3rd, 2023

Rapped it for you big homie. Hopefully you like.

Viz1234 OP June 3rd, 2023


This is awesome man, respect to you for giving this a go. Love your accent and flow. get famous man!

CommunityModElliot June 3rd, 2023

@Viz1234 Beautifully written! great work, Viz!!

Viz1234 OP June 3rd, 2023


Thx that means a lot from a writer like your good self

ArtemisStormWolf June 16th, 2023


Dang that's relatable ty vizo

hannahbaker25225 June 17th, 2023

it's great viz!!!

Bangaru June 24th, 2023


Beautiful poem viz