Hogwarts Mystery
Anyone else plays Hogwarts Mystery?
Synopsis of the game: You play a character, called Jacob's sibling (you can choose to play as a sister or brother of Jacob) and you have to default some "Cursed Vaults" in order to find Jacob who been missing for some time you're Hogwarts years are from Sept 1984 -June 1991.
In Year 2 you get the option to play Qudditch (4 seasons and you play in all 4 postions- Chaser, Beater, Keeper and Seeker) -Yes choose to play Qudditch-it's good for reasons.
But the only confusing thing is when you're trying to level up with friends you meet at school, you have to either try to have them overcome something (home sickness, shyness or not knowing their own strength), or you have to know something, like ( toads, dragons, creatures, or ways of concealment, or ways to get around rules) or distract them somehow.
in one friend case (through Quidditch) you have to think like someone training for a Karate championship like in the Karate Kid movies.
Examples during Gobstones (one of 3 ways to level up friendships) "I must defeat myself", "If the universe wills it" and the "The gobstone and I are one"
There's also are side quests of various kinds. Both with wild animals you can "adopt" or pets you can buy (helps you with energy you need for the game) and there's other quests like dating, or dealing with the Mirror of Erised, or trying to gather people in Godric's Hallow who were friends with James and Lilly Potter. or becoming an Angamius, or helping a friend who is a werewolf, or helping a friend, who thought their friend died. There's also themed Halloween and Chirstmas quests for when they happen. in real life.
What's interesting is depending on your actions during quests your talking later on might or might not make a reference to previous quests.
There's 2 quests related to Lucius and Draco's being at Hogwarts for reasons. One is you and your own (Female) version of Draco (Merula) have to baby-sit 6-7 year old Draco. It doesn't go well and Dobby almost get accused of something. In the next quest you're suppose to be baby-sitting him again, but you get caught up in a sort of mystery that's happening w/ Slytherins because Merula was suppose to help baby-sit w/ you like last time. When Draco is complaing about being "baby-sat" in you, "Jacob's Sibling" says "You weren't too happy about being baby-sat last time either" making a reference to the previous quest.
It also works with dates, that if you go out dating with someone they mention it the next time.
The only annoying thing is the cost of energy and lack of time to build up friendships due to the cost of Diamonds.
But otherwise I really like the game! I'm having to use a emulator on my PC since I don't have an actual mobile phone
never [played but it sounds very cool!
It is cool. Espcially the fact that your "options" can be mentioned later on. (Ie going on date with X or Y) or the fact that "Draco didn't want to be baby-sat last time either". You get to choose which house you belong too and that is also your expelled missing brother's house as well.
-There's an option quest for becoming an Angamgi, or learning a Patarnous
@Disneywoman I love Harry Potter! I haven't played in a while, but it's a fun game.
@WellsFiction Depending on when you stopped playing it- as of this summer, there's quests related to events of Harry's first Year. Like you help the Professors deal with their "protections", or you're one of the "friends" of Charlie who picked up Nobert on the way to visit him. And Guess who is responsible for dealing with the troll Ron knocked out after he and Harry accident locked Hermione in the girls' bathroom with it?
I don't know about what quests there are from Year 2 but it's was going to happen when I started replaying the game.
@Disneywoman That's interesting. I haven't played in a while.
Hey @Disneywoman
I have played that game. But i left the game when someone new profesor starts teaching DADA. I don't remember her name correctly something with R i guess.
That was 4 years back. I'm a Potter head
I really enjoyed playing it. That was the only way I could attend Hogwarts. Lol.
That sounds like a truly magical game!
I have been playing Hogwarts Legacy.
It is a beautiful game. But it took a lot of hiking around Hogwarts and Hogsmeade before I earned a broom so I could fly. Then the game was less boring.
So one of the interesting things is during the Christmas Hoilday side-quest (only avaible at RLF Christmas time) or at Bill Weasy's Graduation party (non side quest part of the main story line) the Devs find excuses to prevent you meeting the two youngest Weasly children (Harry's future best friend, and his future wife). the Christmas one is "they're napping" and for the other (Bill's graduation party)- is that the youngest 4 children (you will meet the twins, the following year) are taken to Zonko's by "Aunt Muriel" Molly's Great-Aunt.
(oh and let just say Battle of Hogwarts May 2nd '98 isn't the only time Weasly children who weren't born in '80s, had to fight off baddies from Hogwarts)
Interesting stuff. I might look at this game and see what it's like