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Favourite Video Game Characters?

User Profile: Juzzy
Juzzy January 1st, 2018

Hey peeps,

So we all have game charaters that we love and then there are ones who we REALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLY LOVE!

These are characters that we would like to be or emulate if we were ever sucked into a game, because at the end of the day these would be our favourite video game character!

For me personally it would have to be either a toss up between Duke Nukem or Sora from kingdom hearts!

User Profile: observeroflife
observeroflife January 1st, 2018

I like BJ Blazkovicz from the Wolfenstein series, Niko Bellic from GTA IV, Agent 47, David Jones from IGI, Joel from the Last of Us, Prince Dastan from the Prince of Persia series, Sgt James Heller from Prototype 2

User Profile: MelanieDaniels63
MelanieDaniels63 January 1st, 2018

The video game characters that I like are Pac Man, Ms. Pac Man, Sonic the hedgehog, Kirby, Yoshi, Pikachu etc...

User Profile: KingAaron84
KingAaron84 January 1st, 2018

Tidus from Final Fantasy X, Cloud from Final Fantasy 7, Dante from Devil May Cry, Agent 47 from Hitman, Deadpool or Leon from resident evil

User Profile: healingKitty10
healingKitty10 January 13th, 2018

Well..let me think..Soap MacTavish from Modern Warfare, Agent 47 a.k.a. Hitman, my every nameless hero from Dark Souls 2 and 3, and most of all, my main character from World of Warcraft!

User Profile: healingPanda92
healingPanda92 January 14th, 2018

David Jones from IGI
Jason Brody from FarCry3
Captain Price & Captain MacMillan from Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Max Payne from Max Payne 1

User Profile: MindMood
MindMood January 15th, 2018

Mario & Luigi

Mario games are so colorful and joyful. As somebody who deals with depression and anxiety, I find Mario & Mario games very appealing.

My favorite might actually be Luigi though. He ususally doesn't get the spotlight, but he's hilarious.

User Profile: JeshuaMorbus
JeshuaMorbus January 18th, 2018

Koishi Komeiji, from "Subterranean Animism". Cute little id released and ego deprived girl.

User Profile: misschiefmajique
misschiefmajique January 22nd, 2018

I'm a massive Sonic fan. There are loads of other games and characters I love but my Nostalgia wins outright.

Go ahead and roast me

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User Profile: integrityblues
integrityblues August 2nd, 2019


There is nothing wrong with a classic!

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User Profile: Arushh
Arushh January 22nd, 2018


User Profile: integrityblues
integrityblues August 2nd, 2019

Final Fantasy

IX: Zidane and Vivi, all the way.X: Auron, Tidus, and Jecht.

X-2: Yuna, Paine, and Rikku

XII: Vann, Fran, and Balthier.


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User Profile: integrityblues
integrityblues August 2nd, 2019


...ugh, I hate it when I screw up lists.

Okay- Onimusha: gotta love Samanosuke Ackechi and Kotaro Fuma!

That's it for now, I've taken up more than enough space.

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