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Favorite games?

User Profile: PrincessNana
PrincessNana May 5th, 2015


>Favorite genre?

>Favorite console?

>List some video games you've played!

here are some of mine!

> My favorite console is the PS3

​Not to mention I am a PC gamer too! I also have a GameboyAdvanced !

​>My favorite games are


-Dark souls

-ragnorak oddessyACE

-final fantasy

-ape escape

-sword of Mana

many more! but what are some of yours?

User Profile: skymistress
skymistress May 5th, 2015

Favourite genre: definitely J/RPGs!

Favourite console: not sure, I've played on Playstation and Nintendo ever since I could remember, I got into PC gaming very recently. I like handheld consoles though, they're so portable!

As for favourite games, here are just a few:
- Gradia
- Breath of Fire III & IV
- Suikoden
- Final Fantasy IX
- Ape Escape
- Pokon
- Harvest Moon
- Okami
- Journey & Flower
- Tales of the Abyss & Tales of Xillia
... and many more! (Yes, I do love video games, haha!)

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User Profile: skymistress
skymistress May 5th, 2015

Sorry, I made a typo, my number onefavouritegame is Grandia.

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User Profile: AwildBidoof
AwildBidoof May 6th, 2015

- Favoritegame series-

Pokemon, Kirby, Smash brothers, Halo, Prof. Layton, Fire Emblem, Legend of Zelda, Kingdom Hearts, Monster Hunter, Dead Space, Star Fox, Code Name S.T.E.A.M., Disgaea, Metal Gear Solid, Borderlands, Mega Man, Sonic the Hedgehog, Bravely Default, League Of Legends, Team Fortress 2, Infamous, and Mario Brothers

to name a few games, heh...I have probably too many on my list, but I can't help but love games.