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Spoken Word Poem #1 Draft.

IronicSarcasm July 25th, 2016


The walls hum a song you mistake for mockery.

The clock ticks, reminding you it is 4AM and you are still awake.

The moon seemingly beaming brighter than usual, you feel blinded and broken, you can almost hear it laugh at your expense.

Is this a new teleshopping ad? I feel like Ive idly eyed a lifetime of them.

The birds, they sing a melody from outside your window letting you know it is morning.

You slip into a catatonic state before sitting up, did someone just shout my name?

Am I losing my mind?

The sound of the static emitting from the TV makes your ears bleed.

When did the channel change? I didnt fall asleep but I cant seem to remember?

Why sleep are you so diffident?

What you dont realise is that the walls hum, yes, but they are humming a lullaby.

The clock ticks, yes, reminding you that you are not closer to morning but closer to sleep.

The moon wants to be your friend, how corrupt he must be when the snores and yawns of the world are louder than his lonely thoughts.

The fake smiles and the vacant eyes of the ad hosts are a reminder that you are not alone.

The birds are cheering you on for surviving another night.

The static is trying to drown out your thoughts.

You must remember that your home is where the heart is and you should listen to it,

the reason you cant sleep is not because of the bricks built around you but because your mind refuses to knock them down.

PacificSunrise July 25th, 2016

@IronicSarcasm Thank you for sharing this wonderful poem with us. laugh

IronicSarcasm OP July 25th, 2016

@PacificSunrise THANKS XXX

brokengirl1 July 25th, 2016

@IronicSarcasm please keep sharing your poems

IronicSarcasm OP July 25th, 2016

@brokengirl1 I will, thanks :))xxx

brokengirl1 July 26th, 2016

@IronicSarcasm :D 💕