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Night Terrors

jennifer12012 April 5th, 2016

hey, just a question. does anyone here get night terrors when they're suffering from really band anxiety?

I feel like I'm the only one. I can go to bed and it feels like I'm just stuck but I'm awake and screaming, it happens often.

SymbolofHope April 5th, 2016


I have tendencies where on days my anxiety or depression is worse I have trouble sleeping. I wake up having convulsions in my sleep and I wake up short of breathe. I haven't learned a way to overcome this. I hope I do cause I lose lots of sleep.

funnylookingcat April 5th, 2016

@jennifer12012 Yes! It used to happen to me a lot more often than it does now. What I had was called sleep paralysis, where I am in a dream and I realize I cannot move or speak, and really scary things happen around me. Most recently it was triggered by a particularly distressing argument with a friend after which I went to bed really upset. It always happens either right after falling asleep or right before waking up in the morning, when I'm phasing in and out of sleep. If this is what's happening to you I have some tips on how to manage it.

MsJessica55 April 18th, 2016

Yes, as a young teen it started, I can even remember the first one as if it was yesterday and I am 55 now. It is usually triggered by stress and from what I have been told, it is from trauma. I was surprised to read your post because it actually happened to me only a few nights ago, because I am under a tremendous amount of stress right now. I will tell you that through the years, it has become less and less but I have been attacked by alligators, sharks, snakes and other things while in those nightmares. They are truly terrifying.

I have used guided imagery to help me go to sleep and when I do, I don't have nightmares. Unfortunately, when I am upset or angry, when I should used guided imagery, I usually forget and then have the nightmares. Maybe you will be more diligent than me.

I am sorry you suffer from these but I hope guided imagery helps you. smiley