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I just need to sleep! My goal is to be tested consistently, so that I can reach other goals. So why am I still up?!

Gardenyarn January 10th, 2020

I am having such a hard time forming a new habit of going to bed early. Then when I do go to bed, I often can't fall asleep. My brain won't stop "doing stuff" and just be quiet. Any advice?

Gardenyarn OP January 10th, 2020

@Gardenyarn OK, I meant "rested," not "tested." Didn't catch the mistake because I'm so tired!

PoliteOcean January 12th, 2020


Hi there.. .Sorry to hear that you are having trouble with falling asleep and staying asleep. That can be really challenging. And of course we all know how important it is for our bodies and minds to get a great nights sleep.

Not sure how long this has been going on for you, or if there are any other "underlying" issues (such as medical, anxiety, depression etc...etc..) So many factors can play into "Why" we aren't getting a good nights sleep. But, perhaps starting with some small changes could possibly make a big difference.

Examples: Shutting off all electronic devices ONE Hour "before" you're ready to lay down so it can help to relax your body and mind...... Perhaps taking a soak in a warm bath can get you relaxed...... maybe trying some warm milk, or chamomille tea.......Reading a book perhaps could help to relax you to the point that you start to get tired. There are many other ways or things that you could try doing if you haven't already.

If there are other issues such a physical/medical etc... perhaps speaking with your healthcare provider could help you get to the "root" of the problem. Sometimes even taking certain medications can interfere with sleep, or even certain "stressors". Be sure that all these things are eliminated or "lessen" first if this could the problem.

Best of luck to you moving forward. I have also "moved" your thread into the "Sleep Well" section here of our Subcom. This will ensure that its in a more proper place, as well, you may also get some other responses. Take care!

barncat January 10th, 2020

@Gardenyarn- My nephew shared a lot of "get to sleep" suggestions.1- Turn off the computer/ TV at least an hour before going to bed. 2-change nightlights to red bulbs 3- journal when you lie down at night to dump all that brain chat --- Let me tell you I havent taken all his suggestions yet myself- but they are on my list for sure. Good luck

Eos83 January 10th, 2020

@Gardenyarn Have you tried listening to white noise (like waves) whilst reading a book until you fall asleep. This has helped me a lot.