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Fears keep me awake

GmanRaven May 18th, 2016

Hello, you can call me Michael. Some nights I just can't sleep. It's like my mind won't shut off and it keeps reminding me of things that I'm afraid of. Like tonight it's snakes. We just moved out into the country, and this property is known to have snakes. We are living in a trailer that is off the ground as most are, but we have holes in the walls and I'm scared to death one is going to get in.

LiveLoveLaugh91 May 18th, 2016

Have you tried meditating where you are about to lay down and resting immediately after? @GmanRaven

Topsy May 18th, 2016

Sometimes it helps to make your fears exaggerated and silly. For instance if you can't stop thinking about snakes, take it up a notch. What if a 300 foot boa constrictor crushes your whole trailer and drags it all the way into the Indian Ocean? Sometimes thinking of worries in a silly way can help you see them in a less serious light 😊

Barathan June 25th, 2016

I couldn't sleep well because of fear of ghost at night. I feel insecure. Could anyone help me in this . Is any psychiatrist ter?

MayBe4Me July 20th, 2016

I can't seem to stop over thinking about everything before I sleep. I can't calm my mind, it's always working over time.

It gets so bad I usually end up crying myself to sleep every other night because I end up depressing myself. Then I end up having a nightmare, waking up from it and then I can't go back to sleep.

This results in me having a really exhausting day and I'm not motivated to do anything constructive. The nightmares won't freaking stop for the last 2 months.

I'm so tired. I refuse to take any sleeping pills because I'm too afraid that I won't be able to wake up from my horrible dreams.

I do pray before I sleep though..It helps calm me down a bit at least.

Gillian222 August 15th, 2016

@MayBe4Me it sound like some kind of emotional disturbance is keeping you from sleeping. I normally meditate in the morning and try and clear stuff out. Meditating has been a good practice for me with facing emotions and thoughts plaguing me And releasing them.

Yani368 July 30th, 2016

The past couple nights I've been awake because of intense fear or paranoia I guess. I'm so scared for my safety even though I know I'm safe but it's so hard to do even anythin normal when I'm so scared. I can't really describe it I just get so scared And at night it's the worst. I feel like a kid but it's so bad I sometimes just stay up trembling and sobbing. Idk how to make myself feel safe and it gets worse because my dad goes to his girlfriends house a lot over night so there's no one here who I feel like could protect me. Ah it's so bad.

braveBeach October 4th, 2016

My fears of not sleeping are keeping me awake, the less sleep I get, the more I think to myself will I die if I don't sleep. I'm really scared about my health even though I went to the Doctor and she said there was nothing wrong. I just can't get it into my head. I don't know what to do anymore, I'm on holiday in Australia and I'm so miserable god I thought this holiday would make me feel better. I wish someone would just stroke my head and say everything going to be alright. I'm currently on day 2 of no sleep. Oh the joys