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Exploding Head Syndrome

SmallChild13 July 10th, 2018

I was wondering if anyone else has this disorder. More or less, I tend to hear a loud noise (like a gun shot, explosion, someone banging on a door, etc.) and sometimes see a bright flash when I'm sleeping. It jolts me awake, and the adrenaline rush makes it nearly impossible to fall back asleep. It's significantly less frequent since I've been taking medication for my Depression/Anxiety, but it still happens once or twice a week multiple times a night. If I'm very stressed, it happens much more often (as do night terrors). When it happens in combination with Sleep Paralysis, it can honestly be scary.

I was diagnosed with it a couple years ago, and so many things made sense. I remember waking my brother up when I was a kid because I thought there was someone oustide hitting my window. Nope, just my brain not knowing how to brain.

PoliteOcean July 10th, 2018


hmmm what a challenging concern to have to deal with. I'm a nurse, I can honestly say I've never heard of anyone who has dealt with that (or rather called it that)...but obviously that doesn't mean others out there don't suffer from it.

The symptoms that you describe, I do tend to generally hear or see from those that suffer from PTSD, (or those that have suffered PTSD due to being in some type of Trauma that may have involved a loud explosion or gun-fire etc...) whether it includes generalized trauma from some type of event/accident etc.... or having suffered while serving in the Military.

I see you stated that you are currently taking medications and that it has helped with it significantly! So that is great!.... I do hope that this is something that your physician knows about as well, (as you didn't really state that part or what you were taking anixety/depression meds for?)....

I hope that someone else here might have better insight and be able to relate and support you by responding to this thread. Best wishes to you on having less frequent episodes and much better sleep!

SmallChild13 OP July 11th, 2018


Well, insight, not really. I was just wondering if anyone else deals with it.

I don't have PTSD, but I do have Major Depressive Disorder and General Anxiety Disorder, so that's why I take that medication. The aid with EHS is a nice side effect, and it's actually why some people with extreme cases of EHS take anti-depressants and/or anti-anxiety medication even if they don't have either one.

SmallChild13 OP July 11th, 2018


And, yes, I've been working with the same psychotherapist and physician for several years, so they both know what I'm taking and how it's all working out.