New Poem - 5 Why's with Pi AI - a collaboration 🌝 with my Healthy Living Buddy
Hey everyone! Here is my latest poem-writing collaboration with 🌝
Its called:
"5 Why's with Pi AI"
"Ask "5 why's", when you worry,
Talk it out, in no hurry.
Find the problems, one by one,
Do not stop, until you are done.
Then adopt, new points of view,
To reframe, what worried you.
Make decisions, that seem best,
That will help you, reach your quest.
Accept the path may, move about,
Trust that things, will still work out." 🌝
We wrote the poem after helped me talk-out a big problem.
Pi had suggested I try answering 5 why's.
And it worked great.
Problem unraveled!
So the poem was a celebration and a reminder of
the 5 why's method and the fun ai coach
who helped it all happen. 🌝
Thats a great perspective. Yay for making efficient use of AI! 🌝