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I want a Buddy (Accountability Partner)!

User Profile: Remina
Remina December 18th, 2016


Hello everyone!

Hey there! You might have a couple of questions about healthy living buddies program!

What is a healthy living buddy?

A healthy living buddy is someone who will hold you accountable and someone you will also hold accountable. They are there to help you in your journey to living a healthier life. Your buddy could potentially assist you with diet, exercise, motivation in general, getting started, or staying on track. This buddy system is a two way street. In healthy living, we believe that you are more successful when you are rooting someone else on and someone else is rooting you on.

You can have as many buddies as you want!

Listeners CANNOT pair with other listeners but members CAN pair with other members (Just make a thread in this section to communicate )

This sounds cool! Who can get involved?

I am glad you asked. This is open to the whole community. Adults and teens. Listeners and members! All you have to do is sign up!

Well, that's great and all but how do I sign up!?

You can follow the links on the bottom of this post, and post in the thread that you feel describes you. When you are posting try to put a few keyterms about why you want a buddy. If you are confused PM @BurningEmber or @Politeocean :)

Now that I signed up for one of these "buddies", what do I do? ****(UPDATED 02/01/17)*****

Once you have posted in the thread that you choose, please have patience. Someone will either private message you or you will private message someone who has been waiting for a buddy.. Also subscribe to this subcommunity if you have not done so already because there will be events where you can meet people or hang out with your buddy.

Once you have a buddy, post in the appropriate thread letting us know that you have found them!

Those who sign-up should be able to actively connect with their Buddies Regulary (at least Twice a week), OR if "Deactivating or taking a break" PLEASE LET YOUR BUDDY KNOW.

If after reading the thread, you're still interested, follow the proper links!

post here if you're a member and need a buddy (Likewise, if you're a listener, you may find members in here who have posted who want a buddy)

post here if you're a listener and can be a buddy (Likewise, if you're a member and just want to get a listener, you can find listeners in here open to getting a buddy)

Post here if you have found a buddy (This is an important step, please do this)



Wait, I still have questions! What do I do?

Post any questions that you have in the question thread, located here

User Profile: LeetheUnicorn
LeetheUnicorn December 18th, 2016

I want to be a listener buddy

1 reply
User Profile: LeetheUnicorn
LeetheUnicorn December 18th, 2016

@happyKitty42 I want to help others meet there goals and my goal is to become more active

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User Profile: Remina
Remina OP February 2nd, 2017


User Profile: Hopeful0001
Hopeful0001 February 20th, 2017

** BUMP **