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Favorite Self Care Routines

User Profile: Alivingston
Alivingston March 13th, 2024

Just turned 41 and I rely on little bits of self care on a daily basis. Stretching, meditation, and The Class (highly recommended) are my go to’s - What are some of your favorite things to do for self care?

User Profile: PoliteOcean
PoliteOcean March 13th, 2024


Hi there… I’m Ocean the Healthy Living Team Leader. 

We think it’s great that you are taking the time to work on yourself by incorporating SelfCare activities daily! That is amazing. 

I have to ask what is “The class”? Do you mean a group fitness class? Can you elaborate as I’d love to know! 

Me personally I do whatever things make me feel good in the moment. Whether it’s getting outdoors with my Pup, working out, relaxing at home with family, or planning a getaway of some sort. And sometimes doing absolutely nothing can be pretty great too! 

Continue to keep up the great work that you are doing and thank you for stopping by to share with us.  

User Profile: Alivingston
Alivingston OP March 13th, 2024

Hello, thanks for the response! The Class is an online somatic workout/therapeutic method that I’ve been loving recently. It really makes working out feel like more of an emotional release, it’s great. I think they have studios in NYC and LA but I’ve only done their classes online. I also love hanging with our dog, it’s the best way to unwind :)

User Profile: Skytied
Skytied March 13th, 2024

@Alivingston , I like to paint when I need to take a breather ^^ also streching sounds good. Anytime anywhere when you need a break! 

User Profile: Avies
Avies April 26th, 2024
Recently, I made some lifestyle changes myself, and they've made a world of difference. I focus on healthy eating, regular exercise, and staying on top of my health with regular checkups and vitamins (for example, you can find at Canadian Pharmacy B2B). Additionally, I find spending time outdoors, reading a good book, and connecting with loved ones to be incredibly rejuvenating.
User Profile: conscientiousCucumber4500
conscientiousCucumber4500 April 28th, 2024

I just retired and I’ve started walking. I’ve been retired (and walking) since January 1, 2024, and recently I’ve started to actually I look forward to my morning and evening walks. I am not a fitness person, but I knew I needed to spend more time exercising when I retired. I love that I look forward to it now (there isn’t much I look forward to). Right now that’s what I’m doing. I just ordered a rebounder so I can exercise with it when it gets too hot to walk (I’m in north Florida-temps will get into the high 90s soon).

User Profile: kenneth08
kenneth08 September 2nd, 2024

 Self-care is so important, especially as we get older. I love doing yoga, reading a good book, and taking long walks. Also I like reading different articles and info. Recently this article on was an interesting read about flexibility differences!