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**Ladies Only** Gynecology support needed

Cheshire94 June 28th, 2016

I'm not really sure where to post this.

This is really embarrassing for me so please be kind.

Back story, I'm 21 and have two kids.

So ever since trying to breastfeed my 1st kid my boobs have been crazy sensitive as in having to wear a bra 24/7, any simulation is almost painful or painful, and as long as I can remember I've had 10 DAY PERIODS and they're ALWAYS late by 2-4 days. It really sucks. But the only good thing is that I've never really been moody....until now. I'm a day late already (not pregnant I already checked) and I've been having MAJOR mood swings! I feel like I'm going insane! I don't realize what a bitch I'm being until it's already too late. I'll be furious over little things, and today I felt majorly depressed (I do have depression but this was different) as in like I couldn't really function today, the day was a blur, I couldn't focus (it took me all day to make a grocery list/menu). And then when my husband got home we were all supposed to go to the grocery store and I was too bloated to wear the shorts I bought and fit in yesterday! I apologized to my husband for acting like a bitch and then just out of nowhere for no reason started bawling uncontrollably (I'm not a crier). I'm just so lost, I've never felt like this before and I feel like maybe something is wrong with me? I can't really go to a dr because of my insurance.

professionalPerspective60 June 28th, 2016


Hello there sweetheart!

My name is Emma, one of the listeners here!

Thank you for reaching out here today, I know how nervous it can be detailing issues of concerns in a public forum, but let me tell you, you did good! You got over the hurdle and done it anyway, that's pure courage!

There is nothing here to feel embarrassed about, however, out of respect to yourself and the issues you have raised, I'd like to invite you to PM me, so we are able to talk privately, and cause no further uncomfortableness or embarrassment towards yourself. It's completely your call, I will not be offended if you decide otherwise!

Take care sweethaeart x