My thoughts 💭
You are more than you realize. You are strong, beautiful, and meaningful. You deserve hope, healing, happiness, and peace.
Saying these things is not something I take lightly. It is what I’ve needed to hear at my worst moments and I hope that it can be a light for you during yours. I don’t write this letter with the belief that I’m healed and life is wonderful, I’m still struggling. But I think that’s the beauty of it. Life hands us so many different kinds of trauma and it’s easy, even natural, to turn all of that pain and chaos inwards. But the real secret behind the worst things we experience is that they are simply motivations, they are reminders that there’s something better out there. Reminders that there is balance to be had between our worst and our best. I believe you are worth finding (and sometimes fighting for) that balance. So whatever you’re going through, whatever problem you’re facing, please know I’m here. I’d never presume to think that I know exactly how you’re feeling but I have learned some things in my own struggles. The most important thing being that we all need help sometimes. So I’m here and if I can help in any way, I want to. I also encourage each of you to reach out in turn. I believe that there is healing in helping, that we can overcome our biggest obstacles when we allow our struggles to give us perspective and empathy for the struggles of others. There is purpose in our pain, it gives us strength and wisdom for our own lives and to share with others. In this way, we are never alone, we are never not supported.
I know we feel invaluable and ignored by people around us but that's okay. Thats how life is meant to be maybe. Ok byee 🍪
Great post.. And I too believe that there is Healing of sorts in helping others. I feel that’s why many of us are here at 7cups!
And we appreciate you being so supportive to everyone! Thank you for sharing this with our community!
(& for sharing cookies) 🍪😉