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Inculcating Inclusivity, Eradicating Exclusivity

March 16th, 2023

ο»ΏAt 7 Cups, All are Welcome.


ο»ΏWe welcome all who show good conduct, genuinely seek support, and respect community guidelines.

Did you see someone in one of our chatrooms with the following two qualities?

1) Was welcoming to those coming in the room,

2) *Was asking icebreaker so that all may feel included in the chat.

{an icebreaker as simple as 'how is everyone doing?' to as creative as 'what would you do if you were given unlimited cookies?' -select an icebreaker based on the nature and mood of the room!}

*The second point is only when no session or guided discussion is already happening in the room.

Please use this thread to give them a shout-out. If you want to do it creatively, make a graphic for them too!

March 16th, 2023

Shout-out to @HealingBeams for being so inclusive in the Positivity Corner Chatroom.

They are always so welcoming, and ask an icebreaker when needed to unite the participants.


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User Profile: Healingbeams
Healingbeams March 16th, 2023


Thank you for the shout out, i really appreciate it 😊

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User Profile: TabbyCat97
TabbyCat97 March 16th, 2023

Shout-out to @Daf8

For being so welcoming, lovely and boosting everyone's moods in Teen Listener chatroom β™‘


Tabby β™‘

5 replies
User Profile: Daf8
Daf8 March 17th, 2023

❀️ @TabbyCat97 ❀️

❀️ Awwwwww Tabby, thank you so much! Thank you, truly. I'm having chaotic days and you send this I- thank you. However, shout out to Tabby! *You* are incredibly welcoming, sweet, considerate, kind, lovely, loving, amorous, appreciative, uplifting, encouraging, stupendous and genuinely outstanding. Thank *you* for being you ❀️


4 replies
User Profile: TabbyCat97
TabbyCat97 March 17th, 2023


Awwhh Daff! Sending hugs if okie <3 Thank you so much for the cutest kitty photo awwh! And your kind words always mean the world to me and everyone else. I appreciate you so so much.

Tab Tab

3 replies
User Profile: Daf8
Daf8 March 20th, 2023

❀️ @TabbyCat97 ❀️

❀️ Thank *you* for being so appreciative, sweet, considerate and amorous! Thank you, but I'm only being sincere: everything you say and do has a beautiful and gigantic impact on everybody. I tremendously appreciate *you*. *Hugs* ❀️

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User Profile: TabbyCat97
TabbyCat97 March 21st, 2023


Daffff :') you're so lovely, you truly do have an amazing way with words *you* are fantabulous. Lots of hugs β™‘ You are so inspirational and I look up to you as a listener.

Take care

Tabby β™‘

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User Profile: Daf8
Daf8 March 22nd, 2023

❀️ @TabbyCat97 ❀️

❀️ Thank you, but *you* are incredibly lovely, inspirational, motivational, exceptional, considerate and stupendous. I'm just honest: *you* are fantabulous and stellar! Thank you, but I look up to *you*, marvel. Take care, okay? *Hugs* ❀️

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User Profile: AffyAvo
AffyAvo March 16th, 2023

I would also add to this consider what the room's purpose is and focus on support based on the topic. If no one is chatting, sure ask about unlimited cookies. A specific session doesn't need to be going on though in a topic based room for off-topic icebreakers to be inappropriate. If people are getting support on-topic that should be the focus.

As someone coming from the disability community asking icebreaker questions about food can be especially inappropriate when someone is seeking support when fasting for testing or on a medically restricted diet.

4 replies
March 16th, 2023

@AffyAvo good point, i added a word about it!

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User Profile: AffyAvo
AffyAvo March 16th, 2023

@Fristo Thanks! Icebreakers can be beneficial if the when and what are chosen with thought!

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User Profile: Gettingbettertoday
Gettingbettertoday March 16th, 2023


How is unlimited cookies ever on subject?

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User Profile: beck1
beck1 March 21st, 2023

Shout out to @donaldk for always being so amazing in Disability Support chat! You always make people feel super supported and welcome thank-you.gif

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User Profile: DonaldK
DonaldK March 21st, 2023

@beck1 you are so kind I can't wait for you to be on Peer support for disability support. Thank you for all that you do thank you for cohosting the discussion we had today about ADHD.

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User Profile: beck1
beck1 March 21st, 2023

@DonaldK Glad to be working with you my friend

1 reply
March 23rd, 2023

@beck1 thanks for appreciating donald!!

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User Profile: Jupiterbeingahuman
Jupiterbeingahuman June 3rd, 2023

@Fristo Thank you for making this post. Thank you to everyone for being here right now and simply, being yourselves.

User Profile: GrimSox
GrimSox July 19th, 2023

@Fristo Shout out to @CommunityModEver for always being so welcoming and inclusive to people joining :D

July 24th, 2023

@selfconfidentMap7900 welcomes everyone who joins the room, and supports those who are bit down. Map is a truly inclusive and kind person πŸ’• Lovely to meet them.

User Profile: magnificentNutella
magnificentNutella August 25th, 2023

Shoutout to @nightowlwho @ZendagiMigzaraaa @Sakiuu @Capana4u

They always welcome everyone and make them feel included β€πŸŒΈπŸ’œπŸ¦‰πŸ’™πŸ¦‹ and also ask interesting icebreakers πŸ˜€

3 replies
User Profile: Sakiuu
Sakiuu August 25th, 2023


no u

User Profile: nightowlwho
nightowlwho August 25th, 2023

love you too nutty πŸ¦‰πŸ¦‰πŸ¦‰

User Profile: ZendagiMigzaraaa
ZendagiMigzaraaa August 25th, 2023


❀😊 thankyou!! I appreciate u a lot nutella πŸͺ

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User Profile: magnificentNutella
magnificentNutella August 25th, 2023

Shout-out to @YourCaringConfidant aka Desiree
For always being so welcoming and inclusive in the positivity corner chatroom
You have received two cute notes from me aka @magnificentNutella and @Fristo

1 reply
August 25th, 2023

@magnificentNutella beautiful post for a special person desiree😍

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User Profile: YourCaringConfidant
YourCaringConfidant August 25th, 2023

The following shout out goes out to one of Positivity Corner's newest amazing forum supporter...


@Capana4u This is for you! Thank you for being such a lovely presence in the happy room. You bring so much into the room and we are so grateful for you. Please enjoy reading what @Fristo has to say! πŸ˜ƒ



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User Profile: Capana4u
Capana4u August 25th, 2023
I- um.. thank you so, soo much, @Fristo !! I'm so happy to be there with you all, it's truly my pleasure! πŸ₯° Actually I thank you twice as much, you don't even know how much those words mean to me today πŸ’™πŸ’™
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