Always Here Month #1
Hello everyone, I hope you all had a wonderful past week, whether you’re celebrating Christmas or not.
Today we’re thanking the Always Here hosts that have been a supportive presence in the Support Rooms this month.
We had 3 listeners and 1 member join the team with @AGentleGlow supporting for nearly 10 hours. Glow will be awarded 575 cheers for their time. Secondly, @Macylou82 recorded their hour and a half supporting others in the support room. Macy will be awarded 150 cheers for their time. A huge thank you to you both, and also to those who might be getting involved throughout this upcoming month of the new year.
If you’re interested in receiving recognition and/or having a more structured experience with supporting those in Support Room 24/7 (Adults and/or Teens) then please do apply, using the form here.
You can also read more about the project here.
And just a quick reminder to current hosts to please remember to send the feedback form into the room after you’ve spent time supporting people there, and log your hours so you can receive recognition and cheers at the end of each month.
Thanks everyone and have a lovely weekend, my PMs are open to any questions regarding this project that you might have, replies to this post with questions is an option too.
Merry Christmas and a I hope for a Happy New Year! ❤️
Tags: @ASilentObserver @AGentleGlow @Macylou82 @kenzolena @KatePersephone
Great job everyone! Thank you for supporting! 💜🦋
@AGentleGlow @Macylou82 @kenzolena @KatePersephone
Thank you for announcing this Kieran ^•⩊•^
Thank you for the host in support rooms! 🥳
so proud of you all!! @AGentleGlow @Macylou82 @kenzolena @KatePersephone
@Kieran000 thank you so much for this. It's lovely to be able to support others, and I'm glad I can give my time to such a great cause. Great work everyone ❤️