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Supposed Friends

AngelicFall March 27th, 2023

For the past 5 months I've been apart of the cups community, I've been happy with the outstanding support I've received from this platform, however, lately I have encountered multiple problems that seem to arise, seemingly out of nowhere, and it's disheartening and grossly disappointing to say the least. While engaging with listeners, and I've only had experience with a few, I can safely say, none of them have offered anything that one would consider helpful. The ignorance and failing ability to keep a one on one conversation going is, at best, the lack of a good screening process and or the inability to monitor individuals who seek to become listeners. I frequent certain chat rooms that at certain times, have cliques that want no parts of members that don't fit in to their circle, there's no "hi", theres no response to posted comments, and even occaisional rude behavior. I also feel that the one room, which I used to love attending, has fallen prey to this type of reality, and I find that only one or two supposed friends will talk with me, the others whom I have had great conversations with in the past, has seemingly fallen out of favor with my presence. I am now facing a debate with myself to consider whether I should continue using cups, or whether it's time to seek other ventures. I had the belief that I had a lot to offer in terms of helping others, sadly, it's become mundane and lost it's ability to keep my attention.

Mya000 March 31st, 2023


I'm sorry to hear that you've had such a disappointing experience lately within the Cups community. It sounds like you've had some negative interactions with listeners who were not able to provide the support you needed, and that you've also encountered cliques and rude behaviour within certain chat rooms. It's understandable that you're questioning whether you should continue to use the platform or explore other options.

It's important to prioritize your own well-being and find a support system that meets your needs. If you feel like Cups is no longer providing the kind of support you require, it might be worth considering other resources that could better serve you. You mentioned that you have a lot to offer in terms of helping others, and there are certainly other platforms and communities out there that could benefit from your expertise and support.

At the same time, it's important to recognize that no community or platform is perfect, and there will always be some negative experiences along the way. It might be worth exploring other chat rooms within the cups community or reaching out to different listeners to see if you can find individuals who are a better fit for you. Ultimately, the decision is yours, and I hope you're able to find the support and resources you need to thrive 😊