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Group Support Prompt #6: Elements of Yalom Group Therapy- Group Cohesiveness

ASilentObserver January 18th

Hello everyone to Group Support Prompts Discussion! I hope you are all being easy on yourself & reaching out to group chats to get support this week.

A couple of weeks ago we discussed: Elements of Yalom Group Therapy- Self Disclosure Thank you to all who participated and shared their thoughts for discussion. I enjoyed them. I hope you all did too. If you didn't share yours, please share them here and I look forward to reading and discussing them with you.

Yalom highlights the significance of group cohesiveness. Cohesiveness refers to the level of connection and unity within the group. Yalom believes that a cohesive group provides a safe and supportive environment where individuals can feel comfortable sharing and exploring their thoughts and feelings. Cohesion is fostered through the development of trust, respect, and a shared sense of purpose within the group. The benefits of Group Cohesiveness:

  • Opportunity for mutual support and validation. As humans, we crave connection and understanding, and when we find ourselves in a group that offers empathy and acceptance, it can be truly transformative. Sharing our struggles and triumphs with others who can relate creates a validating environment that fosters personal growth.
  • Ability to break down barriers and facilitate authentic communication. In a cohesive group, individuals feel comfortable expressing their true selves without fear of judgment. This openness allows for a deeper exploration of one's emotions, beliefs, and behaviors, leading to profound self-discovery.

However, there are challenges in achieving Group Cohesiveness. While group cohesiveness is desirable, it is not always easy to achieve. The dynamics of any group are complex, and various factors can influence its cohesiveness. Individuals may come from diverse backgrounds, possess different personalities, and have contrasting goals for therapy. These differences can sometimes lead to conflicts and hinder the development of cohesiveness. However, Yalom suggests that such challenges can be overcome through skilled facilitation and active participation. A competent group facilitator can create an environment that promotes trust, respect, and collaboration. Encouraging open dialogue, setting clear expectations for behavior, and addressing conflicts constructively can foster cohesiveness and facilitate growth.

I'd love to hear from all of you about your experiences with group chats. How did it feel to be part of a cohesive group? Did you notice any specific changes in yourself or others? What strategies or interventions do you think are effective in building and maintaining cohesiveness?

I invite all of you to continue sharing your thoughts and experiences on this topic. Let's learn from each other and create a space for meaningful discussions. Thank you for your participation, and I look forward to reading your insights!

Join the Group Chats today! 


CalmRosebud January 18th


It's a mesmerizing graphic, I gotta hand it to you, Obs! I'll reflect in a bit, but in the meantime wanted to say that discussions via forum of the group factors seem to be the way to go, since time zone challenges and other daily demands, seem to require that we participate asynchronously. I'm happy to participate, however, and grateful for thoughtful prompts.