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Lost mom to suicide

RachelW1994 October 9th, 2023

Lost mom to suicide back in August after over a decade of alcoholism and depression amongst other things. I was the last person to text her and it wasn’t in a positive light. Forever blaming myself.

adventurousBranch3786 October 9th, 2023

@RachelW1994.  It must have been very hard for you to deal with your mother having alcoholism and depression. I hope you won’t be to hard on yourself. It sounds to me that she had illnesses that weren’t your fault.  

alejandroteran197 October 10th, 2023

It happens, you need to forgive yourself

YourCaringConfidant October 10th, 2023

@RachelW1994 I am truly so sorry for your loss. Losing a loved one is hard enough... but to lose a loved one to suicide, that can bring about all kind of pains and regrets. I'm sorry you lost your mom to her battle with depression and alcoholism. And I'm sorry you may be blaming yourself for the events surrounding all that was going on. If you could, I would like you to try and and forgive yourself. To carry this burden on top of grieving your mom is a heavy one to carry. It's not your fault. Please release this and forgive yourself. Forgive her. It's my hope that you are able to find healing one. Please take all the time you need to grieve. I will keep you in my thoughts. Until then, please be kind to yourself. ♡