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I know I'm not alone, but I still feel alone

User Profile: adaptablePear1395
adaptablePear1395 3 days ago

The tightness in chest won't disappear.

The whole in heart cant be filled.

The jelousy and unfair feelings are cruel but are my truth.

I carried you such a short time but you will always be in my mind.

I never heard you heart and only saw a blip of you on the scan.

I lost you weeks before we actually knew you'd left us.

The happiness I had before seems like a dream. A happiness I'd never felt before.

And want to have again more than anything is this world.

I'm going through the motions.

And then i have these moments where im overwelmed by my emotions.

I just want everything to be okay again.

But how do I move on I feel like moving on is like saying goodbye I don't want to say goodbye


So empty so lost.

I should be putting your cott together and collecting up all the things you'll need.

Preparing to bring you into this world.

But instead i cry.

For you for me for your dad for everything that should of been.


It's so hard to not think about what should of been.

I wish I could just be okay and not feel like my heart is being ripped apart when I think of you.


One day.

User Profile: BlueDarkAurora
BlueDarkAurora 2 days ago

@adaptablePear1395 My heart breaks for you<3 I can't even comprehend the pain that you're feeling. All I can say is I'm sorry for your loss, a loss that's just so heartbreakingly unfair. I hope you and your family always have each other for support and I hope the love you all share gives you some comfort.