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First post here

Shortasiankid March 20th

First of all I want to say Hi to everyone !!! Secondly I just want to give those who have been through grief & loss as many times as I have if not more then I have  this message, things will get better with time. Mankind and our emotions are complex just like the different colors of a rainbow. Just know that with loss there is also gain. Just like we say live,love,laugh. And I leave you with this outgoing message  life has 3 states of time the past present, and future and although we may lose what was once precious to us remember to enjoy life as well. Lots of love a  tiny star in the galaxy.


Shortasiankid OP March 20th

Just want to spread some kindness  like jelly or jam.

Margaret61 March 22nd

I Loss my baby sister she dident know that she was very sick she never got checked for medical conditions alliments she wasent on no doctor prescriptions medications she had high blood pressure and zero passiaun zero cortsal lvls and she was diagnosed with diabetes and cancer I Loss her in November 12 2022 then I Loss a best man friend from heart attack he never eat home cooked meals he dident get enough sleep he was over worked on a job he had high blood pressure he never got on no medications for it he died in March 6 2024 he always eat fast foods unhealthy foods for the body my name is Margaret

Margaret61 March 22nd

I've been going through awhole Lot of emotions emotionally I've been devastated sad frustrated and scared and Loneliness and feeling like I wish I could of saved her so it wouldent of Loss her and I feel like she is still here and is on earth even those she died I missing my sister Awhole Lot at first I cried awhole Lot over my Loss of her I havent cried in very Long time now Im over the crying of sadness I realized she no Longer in pain no more suffering but I at same time wish she was still alive on earth I also reallized once your gone you can't never ever come back to real realm on earth you only have one Life to Live on earth I also have awhole Lot of medical conditions alliments I am on medications for all my medical conditions alliments is the big difference both my sister and my best man friend werent on no medications for there medical conditions alliments that they he wasent on medications he knew he was very sick he dident seak out for doctor help my sister got into hospital stayed in the entire whole entire time on meds when it way to Late she was to sick to hold on we all Love her will greatly miss her rest in peace both of them

Shortasiankid OP March 23rd

@Margaret61 I am very sorry to hear that,  I think the same thing would happen to anyone's loved ones. I know I did when I lost my grandparents,cousins,and aunt. But with life it's an unpredictable thing. I have and still do suffer from many medical ailments. Time is very much like a dual edged sword it can help you obtain things and also hurt you as well.

Margaret61 March 24th

Took 2 ibuprofen pain pills my brain 🧠 hip hurts and colar bone 🦴🦴 🦴🦴 bones hurting me my neck pincheing bad nerves my back throbbing and thrushing hard core painful pains💊💊😭💔

Shortasiankid OP March 28th

@Margaret61 Hope you feel better soon.

Jay223 March 23rd

I gotta question can I send a picture I drew it on my computer and u can judge it

Shortasiankid OP March 23rd

@Jay223 Sure what kind of drawing

Jay223 March 23rd

@Shortasiankid img-5611_1711228462.png

Shortasiankid OP March 24th

@Jay223 Nice I like it looks like a rapper

Jay223 March 24th

@Shortasiankid it’s Lil Uzi Vert

Shortasiankid OP March 24th

@Jay223 Very cool 10/10 

Jay223 March 27th

@Shortasiankid wanna see some more?

Margaret61 March 24th

Hello I just Loss 2 People I Love so very much one my baby sister she just turned 62 year old in Oct 11. 2022 and in November 12 2022 she died of cancer she was not smoking cigarettes 🚬🚬 at all and I Loss my best best man friend was my boyfriend in Pennsylvania State he was 56 years old he always eat fast foods and he was a. Cigarettes smoker and he dident eat home cooked meals his lady roommate would cook for him he turned it down and he died of a heart attack in his sleep 💤💤💤💤 in March 6. 2024 double devastations

Shortasiankid OP March 26th

@Margaret61 Sorry for your losses. I know it must be very overwhelming losing them so suddenly.