5 years
October 30th marks 5 years since i lost my son. Im losing my mind. Its been a long tim since i felt this empty. A long time since i felt so broken. Whats the point anymore? First i lose my daughter then my son. Whats the point? How can anyone handle losing two babies in one year? My daughter should still be here! I should of been putting her on the bus this mornjng along with her brother. But i didnt. My life is a wreck. I feel like i cant breathe. I feel like im drownjng and yet theres no water around me. I feel so broken....i feel like giving up. Whats the point? Whats the point..
@tealCity8225 hugggs you ❤ God is looking after your babies for you too you can be with them again. He's looking after my son too ❤ it's been a few more years since my son was taken out of arms😥 he would of been 13 now. I try to remember that they are safe that helps. I'm not sure what to say to comfort you😞 sorry sweetie, huggs you tightly ❤