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I'm having a bit of trouble :(

ashtonswink47 October 23rd, 2022

So there's this kid who I used to be friends with but they ended up not being a great person. (Nothing new in society tbh.) We used to be friends for a bit which went ok. We met in a discord server and it was for a minecraft smp. As soon as I joined tho I noticed a lot of drama. And I have come to a point where I can't stand drama. Makes me depressed sometimes. Gives me anxiety. Anyway, yeah so I dealt with it for a while until I got to the point where I started to get really upset and I couldn't stand it anymore. Arguments were happening left, right, and center. And people were rly toxic. Arguments were happening between me and this "friend" too and it made me realize how bad of a person they were. So I left the server for good and blocked him. I was doing well for a few months and then he reached out to me yhrough youtube comments. Said something like "Hey its been awhile. Why did you block me? I thought we were friends." I blocked him on youtube to avoid him. Then he went to a place where I could avoid him but it would require me leaving something that I really didn't want to so I finally responded. We talked and he kept begging to be my friend. I talked my way around it trying not to be mean. I unblocked him (never officially said we would be friends again) and he asked me to join the server again. He said it was peaceful so I joined. One argument happened and I left again. Then we were fine till about 45 minutes ago. I dmed hm a joke. He brought up the server and I got fed up. And then we got into an argument. So I blocked him and now never talking to him again but I can only assume he'll try to come back into my life.

Sorry this was a lot. I just had to get things off my chest. Have a nice day yall. And be careful of what friends you pick. ❤️

calmDew1576 October 23rd, 2022

@ashtonswink47 Drama can be challenging to cope with and generate toxicity into any relationship. The best thing to cope with it is to have a long and honest conversation and try to get into each other's shoes. If there's good will, everything can be solved! Thank you for sharing this with us today.