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Ask yourself this: What is my favorite memory from childhood?

User Profile: kabir22
kabir22 September 9th

Hello, yesterday it was about overcoming difficulties, today let's dive into some nostalgia. 

Childhood is one thing which we remember fondly and it usually shapes us into who we are, so what's one thing you can reflect about your childhood? Let me know in this thread.

For me it has to be the moment I learned to ride a bicycle and I felt unstoppable! 

It was the happiness in those little achievements which one could apply right now as well to just lift themselves up.

User Profile: Gettingbettertoday
Gettingbettertoday September 9th


Although I should I don't have any fond memories of anything. From the day of my birth to now everything feels mundane. I was mostly happy as a child but have forgotten how that feels. 

User Profile: genericbeing
genericbeing September 13th

@kabir22 I forgot all my memories

User Profile: maia102
maia102 September 13th

I remember, the first time I read a novel on my own terms was in maybe third or fourth grade, in the bus on the way back from school. It was a bad time in my life (though I didn't know that yet), but reading as a hobby just clicked for me so perfectly that it's still my favourite thing to do