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Ask yourself this: What is a goal I’ve achieved that I never thought I would?

kabir22 September 8th

In this thread and some upcoming ones, I would like to start asking some questions which can push us into positivity reinforcements and gratitude starting with the above!

I'll go first and rest you can join me in, 

The goal which I achieved was simple but just being healthy throughout this year, I always struggled with fitness but now where I'm, I made a lot of improvements and I'm proud of my past self who took the decision of excercising and I'm happy that I did it!

BlueDarkAurora September 8th

@kabir22 Great idea, anything that makes us think about the positive is so needed cause we see and suffer from so much negativity that it becomes a permanent guest, comes by very easily and doesn't wanna leave. 

Health is an amazing thing to focus on, I kinda have the same journey too and as you said such positive steps by our past self are so much appreciated in the present. Small and simple steps yet so important<3

kabir22 OP September 8th


Thanks! And its all in the baby steps, slow and steady wins the race

BlueDarkAurora September 8th

@kabir22 True ^-^

Gettingbettertoday September 8th


I have attepted things I thought i could do and failed like playing guitar. I spent a year taking lessons and practicing every day but still could not keep time. 

I have never attempted anything I didn't think I couldn't do. Why would I?

kabir22 OP September 8th


Hey, but atleast you stuck with it for year and that's really great. And doing things which sometimes feel impossible, might just what we need for you know pushing us out of our comfort zone!

Gettingbettertoday September 8th


Since i have spent my time doing possible things and building skills i have accomplished a lot. If i had spent my time trying to do things i am not prepared to do I would have accomplished very little. 

I thought I could learn to play guitar but spent 100's of hours and hundreds of dollars for nothing. Imagine trying things I know are out of my innate ability. Not impossible to do but it makes the effort less desirable because of the small chance of success. 

P.S. I have never set goals in a formal sense. I just try what i am interested in. If they show progress i continue. When they don't i move on to something that might. 

kabir22 OP September 8th


That's inspiring 
hyunjinnn September 8th

@kabir22 eating well (i had a lot of troubles with post covid symptoms i thought i'd never be able to eat without feeling overwhelmed or trembling hands) 

kabir22 OP September 9th


I'm happy that you are doing well! 
scorpionpolktanktree September 8th


living , i just turned 25 couple of weeks ago i never thought i would live this long

getting dental work done , two years ago i somehow did it and i thought id be living with that pain forever

maybe there are more but i dont recall them right now

kabir22 OP September 9th


That's great to hear! I'm proud of ya!

primrosesarefree September 9th


Having healthy hair. I dyed my hair 5 times in a row, plus bleaching it each time. So my hair looked very dry and kinda cooked. Now it is long, smooth, and shiny. I'm very comfortable with how it looks now. 

kabir22 OP September 9th


I'm glad they went back to being healthy! 
m6y September 9th

the goal would definitely be always being a straight A+ student , I always thought when I grow older I’ll probably lose marked much more thankfully no

kabir22 OP September 9th


Glad you are doing well genius! You Go! 
SparrowSolberg Thursday


I'm in college, getting my art degree

proactiveKite369 Thursday
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IcedCoffeeAly Friday

@kabir22 I just graduated with my degree in Psychology, if only 15 year old me can see me now