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Thank you to...

ZaraSmiles August 30th, 2015

The brilliant Gratitude Challenge post by @Roadie sparked this idea, why not have a thread dedicated to thanking others!

You can use this thread to thank anyone, whether it be a community member here on the Cups or someone who's impacted you in real life! There's no limits to gratitude so you can thank them for anything at all, from their awesome existence or to their kind words making you smile -- and everything in between!

So, come on, let's go and start the gratitude flowing around this thread!

themainjane February 15th, 2017

Thank you to 7 cups for existing and allowing me to stay around. One way or another I will become a healthier and kinder person for myself and others and to myself and others.

AngelsDontExist February 15th, 2017

Thank you Mom. And Dad. And Cats. And Self.

PrincessBerry789 February 15th, 2017

I thank my boyfriend, for being in my life and lighting up my days :)

Jessann February 15th, 2017

Thank you to my loving parents, my nerdy brother, and my boyfriend who has become my best friend. My life would be so dull without all three of them. I love them so much.

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Jessann February 15th, 2017

@Jessann Or 4 I should say!

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blissedNblessed February 15th, 2017

Thank you to my mother who was the Only stable and strong and loving person in my life growing up in my world of chaos - she kept me sane and taught me love and kindness towards others. And though I could not take it it then, I can take this in now: she taught me i am good and it was NOT my fault.

Thank you to my aunt who is my only real family memeber now, as an adult, who has emotionally supposrted me through my oen personal hells, even if she did not understand them, and always tried to guide me towaards walking my own personal path of healing.

Thank you for all the loving, positive people that have come in and out of my life, and stayed a while or a short time, and taught me that I am not alone on my spiritual path to seek within for healing and inner silence where peace resides for me.

Thank you for all the times I ahve been at the edge and wanting to jump off - and the people that have been there to take my hand and show me a better option.

Thank you for life itself , even though painful at many times - each struggle has caused me to be more compassionite with myself and others. And each struggle teaching me a way to realte and help others going through similar struggles - there was a guft in the pai - thank you.

Thank you for all the people that hurt me - you taught me how strong and resiliant I am and that you can not keep me down.

Thank you for each scar I have - they are battle scars and I have won that war <3

pinkTea March 2nd, 2017

Thankyou to end the relationship. It means i should move on to the next chapter.

IntellectualPenguin123 March 3rd, 2017

Thank you to my Friday check-in buddy. You help keep me grounded when things are tough.

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AnnieAnne March 26th, 2017

@IntellectualPenguin123 you make me want a Friday-check in buddy!

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IntellectualPenguin123 March 26th, 2017


I definitely recommend it. Me & a friend send each other text messages on Fridays that do a quick recap of which goals we met that week and what goals we have for the next week. I'm in the midst of a job search, so a lot of my texts tally job apps & responses. It helps remind me that I'm getting stuff done and it helps to have someone cheering me on.

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resourcefulPond1641 March 20th, 2017

@LoudLizard for listening to me when I needed someone to talk to, and for checking up on me after as well. I appreciated it. Thank you so much!


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LoudLizard March 25th, 2017

@resourcefulPond1641 @resourcefulPond1641 heart Thanks for your kind words. I'm glad I could be of some help. I'm glad you have been feeling a bit better recently. smiley

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AnnieAnne March 26th, 2017

Thank you Beatriz. If it wasn't for your caring friendship, I don't know what it would have been of me. I really love you to bits.