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Thank you to...

ZaraSmiles August 30th, 2015

The brilliant Gratitude Challenge post by @Roadie sparked this idea, why not have a thread dedicated to thanking others!

You can use this thread to thank anyone, whether it be a community member here on the Cups or someone who's impacted you in real life! There's no limits to gratitude so you can thank them for anything at all, from their awesome existence or to their kind words making you smile -- and everything in between!

So, come on, let's go and start the gratitude flowing around this thread!

alexana12 February 5th, 2016

I would like to say a great big HUGE thank you to LIFE. Thank you for being amazingly crappy at times and then also being amazingly AMAZING too (with you, I am never ever bored :p). I am thankful that I have DANCE in my life and for the ability to turn even the ugliest of things in life into something BEAUTIFUL.

Thank you for making me me,

Alexa xx

lilpandamom February 5th, 2016

I would like to say Thank You to my husband. I don't say it enough and I truly am thankful for all that you have done and what you continue to do. Thank you for being there for me after two pregnancies, both of which I've suffered from postpartum depression. I still am dealing with it and you are my rock. I love you and hope you know how grateful I am.

Mykii February 5th, 2016

Twenty one pilots. Josh Dun and Tyler Joseph. The people that saved my life. Your music understood me when nobody else could. And can't. I've never been more grateful for anything in my life since 2012. I'm proud to say I've been a fan since then. Then, now, always. |-/

Bunny2121996 February 5th, 2016

I'm greatful for my boyfriend mother and dad for always being strong for me when I can't be

Clairey February 5th, 2016

Dr. A my former mentor

emotionalSail7333 February 5th, 2016

Anita and Marianne.. Without them I wouldn't be here. I owe them my life. They showed me what true friendship is and they stood by me through everything.

AliciaJ February 5th, 2016

I'm grateful for the members who chose to come to me for support - thank you for your trust and all kinds of feedback and suggestions. As a new listener I sometimes wonder if I'm doing a good job, but I always feel so encouraged when someone told me they felt so much better because of having a chat with me. I love every one of you. You are all amazing <3

TheForce19 February 5th, 2016

THhank you for the big buy upstairs for being able to see the sun, skies, and breathe.

Thank you for my family and friends, thank you to anyone listening! : )

Joluv February 5th, 2016

i would like to say thank you for my mother so much I know im not the easiest. Thank her for enduring me all these years.

Matthew413 February 5th, 2016

I'm grateful for my loving girlfriend, my family, and friends. I'm grateful that have breath in my lungs, a roof over my head, and food in my fridge.