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No one supposed to be alone.

peacefulSky9853 August 31st

Today, on this day, I want to request you all lets not always think about own Self all the time. Lets keep checking on our relatives, our neighbours, our classmates or anyone we just know casually. Maybe It's Just a Casual Hi/Hello... Or Just asking them How they are doing... Or anything to show them you are thinking about them. They are not alone. No one supposed to feel alone in this world. Lets be with each other as best as we can. 

Shorttimer August 31st

@peacefulSky9853 very well said 🤗

peacefulSky9853 OP September 1st


Hey timer, thanks so much

mineofroses September 1st


Hi Sky, How are you doing?

I loved your perspective. Have an amazing day ahead.

peacefulSky9853 OP September 1st


Hey Rose, m doing well,  how are u doing? 

Thanks for ur appreciation. Good day 💟

WellsFiction September 1st

@peacefulSky9853 Beautiful and powerful message. Thank you for posting this, Sky.

peacefulSky9853 OP September 1st


Hey wells, thanks so much for ur appreciation...  Stay well 💟

genericbeing September 2nd

@peacefulSky9853 I've spent the last 10 years in self imposed solitary confinement, I've never once felt alone, no everyone is made the same

SpiritualSupporter91719 September 2nd


And no one was there with you?? 

genericbeing September 2nd

@SpiritualSupporter91719 No but I' fine that way, the more alone I am the better I am

BlueDarkAurora September 3rd

@genericbeing sometimes having people around does make living feel lonely ^^ 

genericbeing September 3rd

@BlueDarkAurora Exactly I'd rather be alone, its peaceful

SpiritualSupporter91719 September 3rd

i wanna master it too........ its peaceful indeed

genericbeing September 4th

@SpiritualSupporter91719 I mastered it by first being surrounded by tons of people constantly, it made me prefer not having anyone around