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The Value of Happiness

CaptainHowdy May 7th, 2017

Happiness is something I have always struggled with. I have always just wanted others to be happy so I'm not sure I ever addressed what I wanted to be happy, or what that would even mean. Is it so terrible to base your happiness on others' happiness? I've always been told that but no one can really express a real reason why. So I profer this question to the forum:

Would you trade your happiness for 5 other people's happiness? As in what you despise doing day in and day out made 5 other lives easier and more joyful in a way they could never be with you.

Please ponder that and answer honestly, resist the urge to just state something about self-care/self-love, etc. I want to know what YOU woud do. Thank you in advance for taking the time.

CaptainHowdy OP May 7th, 2017

*in a way they could never be without you*

InvaderStitch May 9th, 2017


Honestly, I would probably try for as long as I could to make everyone happy because that's just who I am. I'd rather others be happy than myself, but I would burn out quickly, and then no one would be happy at all.

I know that self-care, self-compassion, etc. are important, and that you can't make anyone else happy, and that if you don't take care of yourself you can't help others, but it's so hard to actually practice self-care.

CaptainHowdy OP May 9th, 2017

@InvaderStitch That is how I do it as well, with a heavy sprinkling of guilt for not being able to handle it when I finally peter out and implode.

Wish it was easier to do it all and take care of oneself.

Thank you so much for reply!