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Happy Bot Day Kay, Lucy, and Chris!

User Profile: AuroraAstral
AuroraAstral July 26th

Today marks a wonderful day, 3 years ago we got our first T/L Community Mods. Kay, Lucy, and Chris have been dedicated mods keeping teen side safe, welcoming, and happy. Within their time on cups they have made an impact on our community and have helped many. with that, I say happy bot day! 

There are some special gifts down below 💕

@CommunityModLucy @CommunityModChristine @CommunityModKay 





@ReganL Thank you for sharing such a lovely gesture and post! 😊

@CommunityModLucy @CommunityModChristine @CommunityModKay Amazing work and thank you for all that you have been doing on cups. 💓


User Profile: coolvibes
coolvibes July 30th

@ReganL Happy cups day to @ModLucy @Modkay @ModChristine 7cups appreciates the Community Mods.