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Happy Cupsiversary, Maya!

User Profile: Ottie
Ottie August 23rd, 2019

Happy Cupsiversary, @MayaRoseBird5656! β™₯

Yayy, you're officially one cup old! How'd you feel? cheeky Maya is an extremely dedicated and passionate listener here and devotes unconditional support wherever she goes. She is courageous, warm hearted and one of the most empathetic people I know! I thank you for all you have and still are doing on site.. your willingness to step in and lend a helping hand to literally anyone is inspiring and I'm really pleased to see your constant growth too.

You're an incredible addition to this community and it's the attitude you bring that helps make it a better place to be. We all appreciate you and can't wait to celebrate this date with you even more in the future hehe! devil

Please join me in congratulating and sending the best wishes to Maya β™₯

Taggles: @CranberryPineapples @Erato @KarrotCake @frostyOcean72 @AveryLove @ASilentObserver

User Profile: AveryLove
AveryLove August 23rd, 2019

Happy Cupsiversary!!! @MayaRoseBird5656!

Bildergebnis fΓΌr dancing gif

User Profile: CranberryPineapples
CranberryPineapples August 23rd, 2019


Happy Cupsversary Msys!!!!!

User Profile: Erato
Erato August 24th, 2019

Yay, happy cupsiversary @mayarosebird5656! πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•

It's amazing to reach this milestone, first cupsiversaries should be celebrated as they're special. Moreover, I agree that you're such an altruistic and devoted listener. Thank you for all you've done for the community, they never go unnoticed. πŸ’š

Here's to more cupsiversaries to come! πŸŽ‰