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Some harsh truths that we have to accept

User Profile: midnightsmarie
midnightsmarie May 5th, 2021

Hello lovely Positivity & Gratitude Community! I hope all of you are doing well. Today I have a different topic for a forum post than I usually do. I will be sharing some general harsh truths about life, in general.

Harsh is defined as unpleasantly rough or jarring to the senses and truth is defined as a fact or belief that is accepted as true. When put together it means certain beliefs or facts about something that is unpleasant, rough to accept or come to terms with. By the sound of it, we may not like hearing harsh truths but because they're truths or things that we have to accept at some point, it's important to understand that none of us is immune to the harsh realities of life. The reason this is getting posted under the Courage, Hope & Healing sub-forum is simple - we have to have acceptance of some sort so that we can take courage, have hope and healing. These truths can be beneficial to accept, it's hard, learning such truths about life, having experiences that shake you up is challenging, does not feel good but it's ultimately something freeing, to learn things and value them. To know that things can hurt, but there's something to learn from that hurt.

Here are some truths that I would like to share with you all today. It's okay to disagree with them, this is a space which shall be open for healthy discussion -

  1. People who say they'll always be there for you, won't be there for you at times.

  2. People are allowed to not reciprocate what you feel for them for whatever reasons.

  3. Sometimes, the people we love don't love us back the same way. It's okay to be the person who loves more.

  4. You can go through the hardest time of your life and nobody else would notice it unless you express.

  5. A fulfilling relationship that at one time was meaningful can become toxic.

  6. Just because someone should do something doesn't mean they would.

  7. You always have a choice with the exception of being born into a particular family.

  8. You're accountable for the way you act/react despite your feeling being hurt and/or valid.

  9. No one is going to save you and you shouldn't expect them to.

  10. Life will never be perfect, perfect doesn't even exist. We can only hope to be as good as we can be, and can only hope things get as good as they can be.

  11. Busy doesn't always mean that you're making progress.

  12. We underestimate what we can do in a day and overestimate what we can do in a year.

  13. Life isn't always happy but it's because of this never disappearing sadness that we learn to value both.

  14. Nothing lasts forever and that's a good thing.

  15. Sometimes your best at a day won't be enough to bring about a significant change but doing your best whatever it is that day accumulates to a significant change long-term.

  16. The basic things - eating well, sleeping well, exercise, drinking water - make a huge difference in your mental health. Don't avoid them or shrug them off saying "it can't be that simple," it already is simple, it's just not easy.

  17. The person who is the easiest to fool for us is ourselves.

  18. There is always someone smarter, prettier, and better than you. But then again, comparison is a thief of joy, you have a choice to partake in the crime or not.

  19. Best things in life are the little things but to maintain these little things, you have to go big.

  20. Nobody owes you their time and mental energy.

These are just the ones I randomly found on the internet and ones which I personally thought to be true. If you want to share your view on any of them, please feel free to do so and you're more than welcome to share with us your own truths that you've discovered.

Question 1. What are some harsh truths about life you're trying to come to terms with and what about them is particularly hard to accept?

Feel free to share with us by replying to this thread!

User Profile: amiableBlackberry92
amiableBlackberry92 May 5th, 2021

I can't change my abusive past. It's was inflicted by the ppl who were supposed to protect me. But I'm working on accepting. ABB

3 replies
User Profile: midnightsmarie
midnightsmarie OP May 5th, 2021


hello blackberry, thank you for sharing with us ❤️ I'm sorry that the very people who were supposed to protect you didn't. But I'm glad you're trying to come to terms with it and changing your narrative going forward, I'm so proud of you for that *hugs if okie*

2 replies
User Profile: amiableBlackberry92
amiableBlackberry92 May 5th, 2021

Hugs are always accepted and thank you for posting this thread! I'm going to be ok!! ABB

1 reply
User Profile: midnightsmarie
midnightsmarie OP May 6th, 2021


aw ABB, I'm sure you will be ❤️ I'm cheering you from here and hope that things get easier every day

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User Profile: EmbracingChaos
EmbracingChaos May 4th, 2022

@lumieremilkyway these might sound mean on the surface, but oddly these give me more comfort than some of the more flowery affirmations I have in my list. I’d rather just face the hard realities and be done with them once and for all than keep trying to avoid them.

1 reply
User Profile: midnightsmarie
midnightsmarie OP May 5th, 2022


I am so happy to know that you agree with me - I agree, these may sound rude but they're actually so true and acceptance of some of these things is so good for us! :)

Life isn't fair, and us pretending to make it would just take us away from the main idea. I appreciate you reading this and leaving a comment!

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