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Looking forward to...

Natta November 12th, 2014

Sometimes when you're feeling down for any reason, it can be hard to see the good thing in life. You can write one or more things. It can be big, if you're waiting for something exciting to happen, or small, if you'd like to try and appreciate the little things. Think of something that makes you happy. I'll give a fewexamples.

Looking forward to going to a concert with my brother tonight, becausewe rarely get to spendtime together!

Looking forward to studying tomorrow because I think the Second World War is interesting and important to learn about!

Looking forward to getting home today because the weather is so pretty and I have to walk about a kilometerwhen I get off the bus.

Your turn! It can be anything, we won't judge. What are you looking forward to?

TransAm85 November 12th, 2014

I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving. Since I got married, my holidays are like two different worlds b/c I finally have a big family gathering (my side of the family is very small) and tons of different traditional foods b/c my husband is Mexican and Italian. Christmas is even better! We make a ham, but also tons of tamales, and my sister in law makes this rice milk called Horchata .. it's better than egg nog!

Natta OP November 13th, 2014

That sounds so great, amazing thing to look forward to! I'm jealous, we haven't celebrated thanksgiving for years. :D

TransAm85 November 13th, 2014

You don't celebrate Thanksgiving? I have a small family b/c my parents have been divorced since I was 4 or 5 and my mom is an only child, so I don't have aunts/uncles/cousins .. just 2 brothers and they have no kids so I have no nieces/nephews .. I always wished I had a big family. But, if you don't mind me asking, why don't you celebrate Thanksgiving? If you were here in Milwaukee, WI, you could come celebrate w/my family! My niece and sister in law start cooking as soon as they wake up .. There's so much food and of course beer and tequila. lol

Natta OP November 14th, 2014

We used to celebrate it, but we moved to a different country and here they don't celebrate thanksgiving. It's one of the things I miss a lot. :)