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How Would you Like to Make Someone's Day? Nominate badges for listeners!

User Profile: Randy1
Randy1 March 19th, 2015

Hopefully, we all have at least one Listener (or several maybe) who has helped us grow on 7 Cups. Would you like to show your love? Why not recommend them for a special badge?

To do this, all you have to do is go to that Listeners profile and click the yellow banner that says nominate so and so for a special badge.

It takes about three seconds but the benefits are so much more powerful. Being recognized by your peers is one of the strongest things you can do, so why not take less than a minute out of your life, and pick, say 5 Listeners who have made an impact on your life and nominate them! And why not go ahead and post to this thread who you've decided to nominate. It will make someone's week, I guarantee it!

Here's who I've nominated:

(Not all inclusive)





@Laura (duh)

Who will you nominate? It's Happiness Week! go Get Em!

User Profile: Laura
Laura March 19th, 2015

Very cool idea! This is true, we need to be nominating people for badges!

i'd like to nominate:






User Profile: Cadence
Cadence March 19th, 2015

Hey @Randy_, I love this idea!!

I've nominated the following lovely people:







​Sorry that I've nominated six people -- Tian is too special to not be an exception. :) Spread the love wherever possible!

3 replies
User Profile: EmpatheticDude
EmpatheticDude March 19th, 2015

awwwwwwwwww. ;)

User Profile: ianWithaT
ianWithaT March 19th, 2015

Oh Cadence <3 Thankyou!

User Profile: Roadie
Roadie March 20th, 2015

Thank you @Cadence :)

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User Profile: Randy1
Randy1 OP March 19th, 2015

And so it begins! Keep it up people. Nominate 20 if you want. 5 is am arbitrary number!

User Profile: Randy1
Randy1 OP March 19th, 2015

But just remember, you actually have to go their pages and nominate them for this to work!

User Profile: QuickJazz
QuickJazz March 19th, 2015

I love this!I think it's very important to remember that we can nominate listeners for badges (and show our gratitude for each other in general).

Today I nominated the following:






3 replies
User Profile: shadeslayer
shadeslayer March 19th, 2015

@quickjazz you are awesome

User Profile: Recousu
Recousu March 19th, 2015

@QuickJazzThanks :) It did in fact make my day!

User Profile: QuickJazz
QuickJazz March 19th, 2015

Also nominated@Acinonyx

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User Profile: Alwaysdreamin
Alwaysdreamin March 19th, 2015

Nominated @Makuand plan on nominating more today when I am on my computer. Great idea

User Profile: EtaAlpha
EtaAlpha March 19th, 2015

This is fantastic, I really encourage people to nominate others for badges, help us recognise and congratulate all the wonderful listeners on this site!

I've nominated:






2 replies
User Profile: Gracey
Gracey March 19th, 2015

Thank you @EtaAlpha!!☆★

User Profile: EtaAlpha
EtaAlpha March 19th, 2015

Also nominated @Maku and @Jake!

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March 19th, 2015

Maku, Dost, EtaAlpha, QuickJazz, wonderfulPumpkin72, vasistha are my nominees :D

2 replies
User Profile: EtaAlpha
EtaAlpha March 19th, 2015

Thank you! <3

March 19th, 2015

Thanks Alex! :) <3

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User Profile: Randy1
Randy1 OP March 19th, 2015

Just remember, for this to work, we have to actually nominate these listeners, on their profile page! I nominated 5 and it to less than a minute!

March 19th, 2015

Great idea @Randy_ I like thisso much! Thank you for encouraging us to brighten each other's dayscheeky

I have nominated @QuickJazz and @Gedankenlast week but I will add others to this list later today after I nominate them.

4 replies
User Profile: Randy1
Randy1 OP March 19th, 2015

Thanks buddy! Keep up the great work #7CupsRisingStar. BTW, I just invented that hashtag. Feel free to use it lol!

March 19th, 2015

Also nominated @AdventuRin @Randy_ @Laura@vasishta

2 replies
User Profile: Randy1
Randy1 OP March 19th, 2015

Hey, my first nomination! #excited!!

1 reply
March 20th, 2015

But I am sure it won't be the last. Btw, hashtags make everything seem more exciting! #lol

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